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Stand-To: Procedure prior to first light to enhance unit security, a daily compendium of news, information, and context for Army leaders.

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STAND-TO! Edition: Saturday, October 27, 2012

Today's Focus:

Energy Initiatives

Senior Leaders are Saying

"We need to keep an eye on the investment here and keep an eye on what is needed to make sure we sustain this kind of opportunity. Training and readiness for our force of the future is absolutely critical."

- Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal, speaks about the importance of the training bases like the Joint Readiness Training Center which are central to preparing America's Army for future

JRTC rotation demonstrates force of future

What They're Saying

"Comprehensive resilience training builds skills that are wide enough and deep enough to help people deal with whatever life throws at them. Once we can strengthen people to deal with a wide range of problems, then we minimize their suffering. We also ease the burden on an already overloaded behavioral health system."

- Lt. Col. Glenn Schiraldi (Ret.), a professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, emphasizes upon the fact that comprehensive resilience can be taught

Surgeon general talks resiliency, mental health, at AUSA

A Culture of Engagement


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War


Energy Awareness Month

National Depression Awareness Month- Army Behavioral Health

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Oct. 22- 24: Association of the Unites States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition (AUSA), Washington D.C.

Today's Focus

Energy Initiatives

What is it?

Private-sector know-how, entrepreneurism and participation is needed to secure U.S. Army installations with clean, reliable and affordable energy to strengthen the energy security and to support Department of Defense energy goals by best optimization of available resources.

What has the Army done?

The Army has moved forward to address the challenge of energy security and sustainability to ensure the Army of tomorrow has the same access to energy, water, land and natural resources as the Army of today.

The Army has made renewable energy a key component of fulfilling this objective and just recently set an ambitious goal for deploying 1 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy projects - enough to supply approximately 250,000 homes - by 2025.

The Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) was established by the Secretary of the Army to serve as the central managing office for partnering with Army installations to implement cost-effective, large-scale, renewable energy projects, leveraging private sector financing.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 alone, the Army added more renewable power than the combined total from all previous years. FY11 renewable energy production was 0.5 percent of total consumption, as compared to 5 percent of the Army's goal. In FY12, the Army has 16.7 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy capacity in construction, which will increase renewable energy to 1.1 percent of the Army's total consumption, as compared to 7.5 percent of its goal.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army needs an additional 2.5 million MW-a year of renewable energy through collaboration with the private sector to meet the Army's goal of 1 GW of renewable energy by 2025. In order to achieve this goal, the Army is working on the development of large-scale renewable energy projects that will help strengthen energy security while supporting the Army's energy goals. The EITF is screening more than 180 Army and National Guard installations to identify sites that have the best potential for renewable energy development.

Why is this important to the Army?

The installations on which Soldiers live and train are almost completely dependent on commercial power grids which can be disrupted by weather, nature and acts of terrorism. Access and availability to energy sources for our advancing technologies are critical.


Energy Initiatives Task Force
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)
Army Energy News
Net Zero Public site

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Page last updated Fri October 26th, 2012 at 08:45