Thursday, December 6, 2012
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Dear Gossips,

My papaya totally worked today. Katy Cambridge is out of hospital! More on that after shout-outs but for now, on that prank call from Australia -- the Australian radio hosts have apologised for ringing up and pretending to be the Queen. Some people have been laughing at the nurse who took the call, wondering how she could have possibly fallen for it. But...can you imagine how she feels? To be made to look like a fool, like, in front of the entire world, and then to worry that she might be punished for it? There are dumbasses who deserve the snark, of course. I just don’t know that she should be considered one of them. And certainly not over the two who were on the other end of the conversation.

So... Bradley Cooper named Best Actor by the National Board of Review...

It’ll help his chances for a nomination for Oscar, sure, but the NBR’s record the last few years hasn’t been all that solid.  Read Full Intro

The Annual Diddy Ugly Shirt

December 6, 2012 22:02:41 Posted at December 6, 2012 22:02:41
Lainey Posted by Lainey

What is it about Art Basel in Miami that brings this sh-t out in Diddy? Click here to see what it was like last year. ??????????????????????????? And now this. Look at this. This heinous thing. Gucci should be ashamed of this. Or maybe Gucci should stop selling their sh-t to him because when he puts it on, we all lose. Full Story

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Drew’s baby photos?

December 6, 2012 21:53:50 Posted at December 6, 2012 21:53:50
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Michael Buckner/Getty

Here’s Drew Barrymore last night at a Bulgari event. Drew’s on Ellen today -- we’ll deal with that tomorrow. She’s also selling some kind of wine now. It’s a Pinot Grigio. Click here to see. And apparently creating makeup for Walmart? Click here Full Story

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Mother Angelina holds the children

December 6, 2012 21:21:31 Posted at December 6, 2012 21:21:31
Lainey Posted by Lainey

Angelina Jolie was in Jordan today, her second visit in three months in her role as UNHCR Special Envoy to raise awareness for the plight of Syrian refugees in the region. Meanwhile Jennifer Aniston is pregnant again and denying it again and hosted a holiday party with Justin Theroux. Usually though, after the Jolie drops some kindness, Jen is careful about the kinds of leaks she releases. Full Story

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How Do you Blog a Problem Like The Travoltas?

December 6, 2012 21:08:55 Posted at December 6, 2012 21:08:55
Lainey Posted by Lainey

Written by Dean Attention Kelly Preston: if this is coming up on your Google Alerts right now, shut down the computer and go have lunch with Rita Wilson. Trust me, girl, you’re not going to want to hear what the internet has to say today. And why do I suspect Kelly Preston is scanning the blogs for her own name? Well, because after seeing  her husband’s new music video I now realize the Travolta/Prestons are in need of a win and they need this one to work out real bad. Full Story

Smutty Tingles

December 6, 2012 20:47:51 Posted at December 6, 2012 20:47:51
Lainey Posted by Lainey

Sasha finds Kate Middleton’s military coat and big rings in LifeStyle

Lindsay Lohan: desperate for a Wanted (Dlisted)

Brad Pitt was caught in bed by Mike Tyson (The Superficial)

Come on, you don’t think Taylor Swift is cute here? (Too Fab)

Anne Hathaway after the premiere (Pop Sugar)

Kristen Stewart something something about not needing to be rescued by Prince Charming ...unlike Bella Swan (Cele|bitchy)

Some people still go to the library! This makes me happy. (Just Jared)

I thought this was Lindsay Lohan and I’m not sure who comes out worse in that (Hollywood Tuna)

Jamie Foxx will be in Spider-Man (Pink Is The New Blog)

Terrible dress on Olivia Munn (Popoholic)

Ummm...better, all things considered? (Go Fug Yourself)

Gwyneth pink and tanned

December 6, 2012 19:34:21 Posted at December 6, 2012 19:34:21
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Libby Mardon/Getty

Can’t decide if I like the way they’re lighting her skin on the cover of InStyle UK. Is it the disconnect in the styling? The coat is pretty and pink and elegant, almost demure. And she’s wearing it as though she were on the beach. Which, if she was actually on the beach, would be fine, but seeing as it’s taken in studio, I’m not sure it’s hitting the right tone. Full Story

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Star Trek Into Benedict Cumberbatch

December 6, 2012 19:04:45 Posted at December 6, 2012 19:04:45
Sarah Posted by Sarah
Jun Sato/ Getty

Because the first teaser for Star Trek Into Darkness is all about The Batch. As I mentioned earlier this week, we don’t know a lot about the plot or new characters in Star Trek 2. This teaser does little to shed light on either of those things. Full Story

Let me buy you a ring, Bear

December 6, 2012 17:25:33 Posted at December 6, 2012 17:25:33
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Splash, INF

But who’s the giver Bear and who’s the receiver Bear? JLO Bear is currently touring Australia. She and Casper Bear went shopping in Perth today. They stopped at Tiffany and looked at some rings. C-Bear wants a ring for Christmas? Slum Love has been happening for over a year now. And still. Full Story

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Mrs Timberlake gives up the fringe

December 6, 2012 17:08:33 Posted at December 6, 2012 17:08:33
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Wenn, FameFlynet, Andrew H. Walker/ Getty

At least for a night. And God, it makes all the difference. Her face, you can actually SEE her face. And it’s a really, really pretty face. And they did a great job with the makeup, now that they have something to work with, now that her hair is styled without that goddamn fringe. It’s really too bad about her dress. Full Story

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Judd Apatow lives up his own ass now

December 6, 2012 16:49:01 Posted at December 6, 2012 16:49:01
Sarah Posted by Sarah

As a Judd Apatow fan, I am extremely let down by Vanity Fair’s much-vaunted “comedy issue”, for which Apatow served as guest editor. Do not take this as any kind of examination of the state of comedy today or its role in popular culture. The feature is only representative of Judd Apatow and HIS taste, HIS reach, HIS influence. Full Story

Demi Moore: That Girl at the party

December 6, 2012 16:10:57 Posted at December 6, 2012 16:10:57
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Christopher Peterson/ Splash, Venturelli/ Dimitrios Kambouris/ Getty

You know That Girl? That Girl grinding up a chair, a bar stool, any man, woman, or server? That Girl who can’t stop screaming “LET’S PARTY WOOOO HOOOOOOOO”? That Girl at the party no one wants to admit they know? That Girl you need rescuing from? Do you remember desperately trying to make eye contact with a friend, begging to be saved, when that girl sits herself next to you and wants a hug because she’s “really glad we can be there for each other”? Look at Lenny Kravitz’s face. Full Story

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Katy Cambridge goes home

December 6, 2012 15:17:39 Posted at December 6, 2012 15:17:39
Lainey Posted by Lainey
Wenn, FameFlynet, Splash

Cautious optimism... Princess Catherine was released from hospital today. She looks pretty good in the photos but in the video, which is looping on every news station today, she seems kinda fragile. Or maybe I’m projecting. Because now the narrative is all like -- she’s so brave! And, I dunno, I know I should snark but I can’t find it right now, seeing her smiling and stoically representing her family the Windsor way, even though she probably just wants to lie down on the bathroom floor and feel the cool of the tile against her face. Full Story

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