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Inject Images and Social Integration Into Your Press Releases With PitchEngine

Spreading the word about your company through press releases, while valuable, can be a lackluster experience. Though the sole purpose press release distribution sites is normally to relay information quickly and simply so that it can reach the right people, the content discovery process has …  Read More

How To Profitably Pamper Your Customers

Regardless of the industry you’re in, it is critical to know which of your customers are profitable and which ones strain your resources. If the most extreme cases, it could even make sense to fire particularly troublesome customers. However, it is just as important to go the extra mile for …  Read More

A Simple Strategy For Every Marketing Dollar You Spend

Even though you’re a small business, an overwhelming number of marketing opportunities probably come your way weekly, if you really pay attention. Think of the ads you could buy in the local newspaper, community magazines and in the program for your daughter’s upcoming recital. There’s …  Read More

How to Host an Eco-Friendly Holiday Party

Hosting a party for your employees or customers is a nice way to spread some goodwill around the holiday season. It’s also a chance to reinforce your commitment to being environmentally conscious. After all, a party can create a huge clutter of unnecessary waste if you’re not careful. How …  Read More

Blockbuster, Dish Network Court Smartphone Market

Blockbuster, the video rental and retail chain acquired by Dish Network Inc. last year, is courting the mobile market and hoping to start selling its own smartphones soon. The move is another indication of the trend towards mobile that owners and managers of businesses large and small should …  Read More

Codeproof: Mobile Security For Android And iOS Devices

Security is often a top priority for businesses that own computers and other devices for their employees to use. But now that mobile technology is become increasingly prominent in many workplaces, employees are likely to do work from their own devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Though your …  Read More

How to Stay Motivated When You Work From Home

Do you run your business from home? These days, more and more small businesses are going virtual, and some of the most successful small businesses are run entirely from home. With online conferencing and project management tools, websites where you can outsource to workers all over the world, and …  Read More

10 Actions Customer Leaders Use To Achieve Success

Inspired customer leadership in the very best companies on earth came from the heart and soul of the impassioned leader of the organization who had an instinct on where to take the business for customers, and absolute clarity on how to inspire the organization to make it happen. These companies all …  Read More

5 Reasons To Pick Up The Curator Habit

Between blog posts, social media updates, daily blog reading, and reading other people’s social stream – feeding your content marketing efforts has become overwhelming. There’s too much content to create for too many sources. There’s no way to do it all. You’re right. So why not …  Read More

Small Business Lending Up 11 Percent in October

Small businesses use many resources when trying to expand. Experts see a recent increase in small business lending as a sign small firms may be preparing to start hiring. But there are many ways you can grow your business besides going into debt, especially in economically uncertain times. Today we …  Read More

IRS Increases Standard Mileage Rates for 2013

The IRS just released its standard mileage rates for 2013, which show slight increases from the current 2012 rates. These rates are made available so that employees, self-employed individuals, and other taxpayers can calculate their tax-deductible transportation costs for business, charitable, …  Read More

Top Tax Trends For 2013

In 2012, taxes made headlines and it is likely that taxes will continue to be at the forefront in 2013. Congress needs to act on many measures impacting small businesses. The IRS is in gear to continue or initiate a number of programs impacting small businesses. Here are some trends to watch for …  Read More

IRS Increases Standard Mileage Rates for 2013

The IRS just released its standard mileage rates for 2013, which show slight increases from the current 2012 rates. These rates are made available so that employees, … Read More

15+ Places to Promote Your Blog On The Web

No matter how good your content is, earning a regular readership requires promoting your blog to audiences who would find it useful. And that means doing some legwork to … Read More

10 Twitter Blunders Businesses Should Avoid

New to Twitter? Still learning how to build your following and engage existing followers? Twitter can be an incredibly useful tool, but it can easily become a wasted resource … Read More

What Does Your Social Brand Say About You Online?

You know that social media marketing is here to stay BIG time, right?  Are you still kind of fighting how essential it has become?  Do you believe it will do nothing but … Read More

5 Landing Page Optimization Tools for Small…

A lot of small to mid-sized businesses are realizing the value of optimizing their Websites for conversion, but many find the idea of where and how to start a bit … Read More


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