Chrome for Android devices

Browse fast and sign in to bring your personalized Chrome experience from your computer, to your phone and tablet.


  • Browse fast

    Pages load in a snap and hardware-accelerated page rendering lets you fly through long pages. Experience the mobile web, Chrome fast.

  • Search fast

    Search and navigate from the same box. Choose from results that appear as you type, getting to what you want in a snap.


  • Unlimited tabs

    Open and switch between an unlimited number of tabs. On your phone, flip through tabs the way you would fan a deck of cards. On your tablet, swipe from edge to edge to switch tabs.

  • Easy navigation

    Navigate with a simple, streamlined browser. Link Preview zooms in on links to make selecting the right link easier. Use Find in Page to locate specific words and scroll to see each match.


  • Private Browsing

    Browse the web in Incognito mode, without leaving your history or other traces behind on your device.

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  • Security

    Chrome for Android brings Chrome’s multi-process architecture to complement Android's security framework.

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  • Developers

    Chrome for Android brings state-of-the art HTML5 support to mobile. With Chrome Developer Tools, connect your phone or tablet to your computer to debug your web page as it is running on your mobile device.

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  • Download

    Chrome for Android is available on Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, or later.

    Available on Google Play