Archives / Posted in / 2011 / January / 31st (13 items)
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Figure 2: Common Smart Grid Components

Figure 2: Common Smart Grid...

Figure 1: Functions of the Electricity Industry

Figure 1: Functions of the...

Figure 21: Industries of Employers Approved to Hire H-1B Workers, FY 2000–FY 2009

Figure 21: Industries of...

Figure 2: Process of Obtaining an H-1B Visa

Figure 2: Process of Obtaining...

Figure 6: Integration of Other Rail Safety Technologies in the Rail Environment

Figure 6: Integration of Other...

Figure 2: Causes and Rate of Rail Accidents, 2000-2009

Figure 2: Causes and Rate of...

Figure 1: Key Components of the U.S. Railroad Environment

Figure 1: Key Components of the...

Figure 1: Top 20 U.S. Seaports by Number of Foreign Seafarer Arrivals, Fiscal Year 2009

Figure 1: Top 20 U.S. Seaports...

Figure 3: Differences in the Standards of Care Required of Financial Planners

Figure 3: Differences in the...

Figure 1: Change in Regulatory Oversight of Investment Adviser Firms Providing Financial Planning Services as a Result of the Dodd-Frank Act

Figure 1: Change in Regulatory...

Figure 6: ANA Recruits at Kabul Military Training Center

Figure 6: ANA Recruits at Kabul...

Figure 3: Equipment Provided to Typical ANA Soldier and Associated Costs

Figure 3: Equipment Provided to...

Figure 1: Average Daily Enemy-Initiated Attacks Reported in Afghanistan, November 2004 to November 2010

Figure 1: Average Daily...