Archives / Taken in / 2011 / July / 8th (9 items)
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Figure 6: Level of Difficulty Referring Children for Specialty Care among Physicians Participating in Medicaid and CHIP, by Child’s Insurance Type

Figure 6: Level of Difficulty...

Figure 3: Examples of Recovery Act Transportation Projects

Figure 3: Examples of Recovery...

Figure 1: Recovery Act Funds Appropriated for DOT Programs

Figure 1: Recovery Act Funds...

Figure 2: Nonborder Countries Children Were Abducted to Most, Fiscal Years 2007-2009

Figure 2: Nonborder Countries...

Figure 1: International Parental Child Abduction Cases Reported to State Department, Fiscal Years 2000-2009

Figure 1: International Parental...

Figure 5: Deposit Insurance Fund Balance, First Quarter 2006 – Fourth Quarter 2010

Figure 5: Deposit Insurance Fund...

Figure 1: Key Regulatory Milestones Associated with Bank Deterioration

Figure 1: Key Regulatory...

Figure 4: Number of Failed Banks, 2006-2010

Figure 4: Number of Failed...

Figure 1: Australian Individual Income Tax Paid and Number of Taxpayers by Taxable Income for 2007-2008

Figure 1: Australian Individual...