
Criticizing an inspiring educator is a snap, being one is a tall order
Its essential nature also make it a great place for visitors
The public can't be left at the mercy of out-of-control judicial officials
$1.6 trillion in new taxes is not what Americans need
Tax tinkering won't come close to funding $1 billion in pension debt
The ability to book first class to Atlanta and beyond is great


A story deemed tooupsetting finally sees the light of day
Good service is crucial both to people and small businesses
Reading papers can provide quite challenging workouts
Republicans win on government, freedom, taxation
'Buckwild' gives  us a marketing opportunity, too
College-for-all philosophy fails too many good kids
It isn't conservative to have government control childbearing

Nanya Friend

People who will fight for schooling are all too rare
It's all the trees that can make life difficult at times
But what they reveal would not surface otherwise
If you cannot stand the heat, get a wet cold towel
On Election Day, government reports to us
A column by Nanya  Friend

Johanna Maurice

If the status quo is failure, why not risk success?
The Founders tried to keep us out of this mess
Welfare states = personal tragedy, national failure
Or do they just want to control workers' money?
Americans don't seem to want higher taxes
Waffling about Obama leaves voters less sure

Brad McElhinny

Welcoming converts would be much smarter
This district's issues go back quite a few years
Being trapped in this city has a silver lining
Experiencing the spectacle together is fun
Brad McElhinny column: Here's hoping a cracker delivers a real miracle
You get a little bit of focus, a little bit of wiggle . . .

Don Surber

Early winners are TV station owners, political consultants
Firing Jorea Marple blunts liberal control of public education
Obama's victory may harm chances for Jay Rockefeller
State residents are moving Republican
Americans should be much better off by this point
Party platforms should reflect people's beliefs

Hoppy Kercheval

Maybe 'Buckwild' won't be any worse than 'Jersey Shore'
Reasons to go, reasons not to go, and Geno and Tavon
Washington, at a defining point, should see a movie
What will help Rockefeller; what will help Shelley
Members challenge overly restrictive rules and regulations

Charles Krauthammer

Democrats want tax hikes now, discipline later
Because Hamas and Iran gain from terrorism
Big government is failing; smaller is sustainable
Obama wants citizens to lead a supervised life
Romney should have hit Obama on Benghazi 
It won't be as easy to do that in the next debate
Obama's policy has produced anti-Americanism

Robert Samuelson

Soaking the rich: Here's a rundown on who would pay
Recovery is slow because confidence isn't being restored
The U.S. could bump Saudi Arabia as top oil producer

Thomas Sowell

Democrats are talking good politics, not good economics
History is clear: lower rates produce growth and revenue
Kinder, gentler just are not the traits American voters seek
Anti-American mentors were his role models
Welfare statists expand benefits to win voters
Without reform, it's the young who should be afraid

George Will

Democrats' tax hikes will darken Americans' future
The Constitution does not permit unaccountability
Louisiana Benedictines embark on crime
Conservatives will adjust, adapt and emerge stronger
The REINS Act requires Congress to OK regulations