
Criticizing an inspiring educator is a snap, being one is a tall order
Its essential nature also make it a great place for visitors
The public can't be left at the mercy of out-of-control judicial officials
$1.6 trillion in new taxes is not what Americans need
Tax tinkering won't come close to funding $1 billion in pension debt
The ability to book first class to Atlanta and beyond is great
A school superintendent drama overshadows a school scandal
Reaching out to Republicans could help him pick up the pace
The state's change agents need to hit the ground running in 2013
If Affordable Care runs amok, governors are positioned as fall guys
There's nothing wrong with asking them, but they might well say no
The distinction between resort and racino is getting murky
Post-election fundraising to cut campaign debt looks like tribute
Protecting the public is essential; W.Va. must supply funds to do it right
With Capito in the Senate race, W.Va. looks to Democrats for a sign
Giving a parting gift to appointees shows little concern for the public
Steep tax increases would hurt 121 million American families
Being No. 1 in diabetes deaths shows a need for endocrinologists
Managed care may help cut the use of ERs, but payment counts as well
The war on coal-fired power should be worth the price, and isn't
It's good to see W.Va. leaders assert leadership over public education
The Census Bureau recalibrates and produces a more realistic view
The United States' loss of face in the Middle East is more serious
Power companies must have the wherewithal to do their jobs
A bright future for the U.S. bodes even brighter for W.Va.
Physicians must curb W.Va. ranking second in antibiotic use
The drop in applications may show a larger problem in education
Another investment in the future of the state's capital city
Switching vehicles to natural gas still bears the risk of fluctuation
The backlog on disability claims is expected but frustrating
Certainly, that seems to be what West Virginia voters want
The jobless rate for those who serve should shame their countrymen
The most important political alliance of all is with the voters
Competition for gambling money could force some adjustments
Americans do not agree on how to restore a once-great nation
West Virginians value experience, but yearn for more improvement
The DOH, the National Guard and utility workers are appreciated
School systems are so complex that staying on track is not easy
Chief Webster's restructuring makes a good deal of sense
Why one man left the political party his family had long supported
80 years of Democratic control have not been good for the people
Will workers who do not vote for unions vote for their slates?
In this case, delay of a mine permit may also delay a needed highway

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