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When You Can't Buy Affordable Life Insurance

When You Can’t Buy Affordable Life Insurance
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Avoid the Training Intensity Black Hole with Precision Interval Training

Avoid the Training Intensity Black Hole with Precision Interval Training

Health & Wellness

There is a tendency even in some of the most elite athletes to work harder than they should on the lower end of their interval training regimens. This is stems... read more

Overtraining Syndrome: What It is, and How to Avoid It

Overtraining Syndrome: What It is, and How to Avoid It

Health & Wellness

Most athletes consider the need to work hard to be the most important factor in improving performance but, in fact, taking breaks in training is equally important. Physiological improvement only... read more

The ABC’s of Insurance for Diabetes

The ABC’s of Insurance for Diabetes

Health & Wellness

Are you or is someone close to you diabetic?  If so, you know that you have a serious health issue.  You may be concerned about how your diabetes will affect... read more

How Can Senior Citizens Get Affordable Life Insurance?

How Can Senior Citizens Get Affordable Life Insurance?

Health & Wellness

Do seniors need life insurance? If they have a spouse, adult disabled child(ren), an estate, or a business they want to protect, then life insurance for senior citizens is a... read more

Can Seniors Over 70 Get a Good Value on Life Insurance?

Can Seniors Over 70 Get a Good Value on Life Insurance?

Health & Wellness

Life insurance is not just for young people. In fact, as we grow older, we may have more we need to protect with life insurance. While age is a major... read more

How Does Life Insurance Work?

How Does Life Insurance Work?

Health & Wellness

Life insurance is an important purchase and one that people often think is very confusing.  Of course, it doesn’t have to be confusing, as a matter of fact we try... read more

Why Cleanliness is Important to Your Business

Why Cleanliness is Important to Your Business

Health & Wellness

Coughs and colds are very common this time of year. You may simply share and catch colds from your colleagues and friends or from infected surfaces in your office like... read more

Tips for Using a Term Life Insurance Calculator

Tips for Using a Term Life Insurance Calculator

Health & Wellness

When shopping for term life insurance, it can be useful to begin with a term life insurance calculator.  The calculator can help you get an idea of what health rating... read more

How a Nicotine Blood Test Can Save You Money

How a Nicotine Blood Test Can Save You Money

Health & Wellness

For most insurance applications you are required to have a paramedic exam and a blood and urine test.  One of the levels tested as part of the blood test in... read more

Medical Alert! 5 Ways to Improve Your Wellness or Medical Practice

Medical Alert! 5 Ways to Improve Your Wellness or Medical Practice

Health & Wellness

It’s official: The newest group of professionals on my “Needs to Learn More about Service” list is in medical offices. Sorry, docs, but you’ve got a long way to go... read more

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