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FRED Adds Weekly Report on Pandemic Claims

FRED has added 159 new series from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration’s weekly report on pandemic claims

These state-level data include initial claims for unemployment assistance for workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (including those workers who are not ordinarily eligible for unemployment benefits), as well as continued claims for unemployment assistance and emergency unemployment compensation for these workers. 

More details about the data and the expanded eligibility requirements are available from the Department of Labor’s FAQs for unemployment insurance relief. 

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED Adds Monthly State Retail Sales from Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau has released an experimental data product featuring modeled state-level retail sales. The Monthly State Retail Sales (MSRS) report is a blended data product that combines monthly retail trade survey data, administrative data, and third-party data. Users are encouraged to view the MSRS methodology for more information on how the Census constructs the data.

These 624 series represent year-over-year percent changes for total retail sales excluding nonstore retailers as well as 11 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) retail subsectors. The available release table provides a view for geographic and industry comparison, and all state-level data are available in GeoFRED.

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED Adds Job Posting Trends Data from Indeed

FRED has added 118 new series from Indeed, which calculates trends in job postings on Indeed for the U.S., Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, and the U.K. For the U.S., indices are calculated for states, for the largest metro areas by population, and by wage tier. Indeed reports how the trends in job postings this year differ from those of last year, focusing on the recent changes in labor market conditions due to COVID-19.

Copyrighted: Pre-approval required. Contact Indeed to request permission to use the data at their contact information provided here.

Posted in FRED Announcements

Consolidation of the Board of Governors H.3 and H.6 Statistical Releases

The Board of Governors discontinued the H.3 statistical release “Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base” on September 17, 2020.

As a result of the elimination of reserve requirements for all depository institutions (effective March 26, 2020), many of the release items on the Board’s H.3 statistical release are zero. Therefore, the Board consolidated the remaining relevant items from the H.3 statistical release into the H.6 release, “Money Stock Measures.” For more details on this consolidation, see the Board’s announcement posted August 20, 2020, and the Technical Q&As for H.6.

The changes described above have been implemented in FRED. Most of the series from H.3 were discontinued, with the exception of the following monthly series, which were consolidated into Table 1 of the H.6 statistical release:

Posted in FRED Announcements

Changes to Atlanta Fed’s Survey of Business Uncertainty

The methodology behind the Atlanta Fed / Chicago Booth / Stanford Survey of Business Uncertainty (SBU) was revised by the source in August 2020: Changes were made to the panel design, the survey questions asked, and the series produced. Because of these changes, FRED has discontinued the existing indices and added four new smoothed indices of business uncertainty and expectations.

See the SBU’s revised methodology for more details on changes to the survey and the series. 

Posted in FRED Announcements

FRED Will Discontinue Weekly and Monthly Treasury Inflation-Indexed Securities

FRED will no longer update weekly or monthly Treasury inflation-indexed securities data. Instead, these series will be replaced with their equivalent daily series. This change affects 11 weekly and 5 monthly series, listed in the table below.

If you want the daily data at a lower frequency (say, monthly), you can edit the graph: Select the desired frequency and choose “average” as the aggregation method. See our guide for more details.

Affected Weekly Series

SeriesDiscontinued Series IDDaily Series ID Replacement
20-Year 2-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 1/15/2025WTP20J25DTP20J25
20-Year 2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 1/15/2026WTP20J26DTP20J26
30-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2028WTP30A28DTP30A28
30-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2029WTP30A29DTP30A29
30-Year 2-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 2/15/2040WTP30F40DTP30F40
20-Year 1-3/4% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 1/15/2028WTP20J28DTP20J28
10-Year 1-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2021WTP10J21DTP10J21
20-Year 2-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 1/15/2027WTP20J27DTP20J27
20-Year 2-1/2% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 1/15/2029WTP20J29DTP20J29
30-Year 2-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 2/15/2041WTP30F41DTP30F41
30-1/2-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2032WTP3HA32DTP3HA32

Affected Monthly Series

SeriesDiscontinued Series IDDaily Series ID Replacement
30-Year 3-7/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2029TP30A29DTP30A29
30-Year 2-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 2/15/2041TP30F41DTP30F41
30-1/2-Year 3-3/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2032TP3HA32DTP3HA32
30-Year 3-5/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bond, Due 4/15/2028TP30A28DTP30A28
10-Year 1-1/8% Treasury Inflation-Indexed Note, Due 1/15/2021TP10J21DTP10J21
Posted in FRED Announcements