Special Collections

Brookings Institution:
Papers from the Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve

Archival collection on the Federal Reserve System in the mid-1950s.

First and Second Banks of the United States

Original documents from the formation of the First and Second Banks of the United States.

Meltzer, A History of the Federal Reserve Volume 1, 1913-1951

Available source documents cited by the author.

William McChesney Martin Jr. Document Collection

Selected documents from his papers and other related collections.

The Marriner S. Eccles Document Collection

Selected documents from his papers.

What's New  

Nov 27 Job Opening - Digital Library Projects Coordinator

The Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is seeking a team builder with technical skills and vision to oversee the continued growth of the Bank’s leadership role as a provider of historical digital content. This position will continue to build the FRASER brand by facilitating connections and partnerships that improve content, access, and delivery to enhance digital scholarship. To apply, visit: http://careers.stlouisfed.org/searchjobs.cfm

Nov 27 Reminiscenses of Chester Charles Davis

Chester Davis was the 4th president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis from 1941-1951. Prior to his service in St. Louis, he served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 1936 to 1941. During the years of World War II, he also served on the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. This biographical interview is a transcription from a 1953 interview conducted by Dean Albertson. The original is at the Columbia Center for Oral History. It is posted here with their permission. For additional information please see: http://oralhistoryportal.cul.columbia.edu/document.php?id=ldpd_4074582

Nov 23 Social Security Reports by the Congressional Budget Office

Five reports prepared by the CBO on Social Security, its funding options, outlook, etc.

Nov 08 October Issue of Economic Indicators

The latest issue of Economic Indicators is now available on FRASER.

Oct 11 September Issue of Economic Indicators

The latest issue of Economic Indicators is now available.

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