Press Room

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Congressional Testimony

Outlook for oil and Gas Reserves and Production and the Differences Between Federal and Non-Federal Lands pdf
Subject:Petroleum, Natural Gas, EIA
Presented by:Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Power (view archived webcast)
Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC—August 2, 2012
Outlook for Light Duty Vehicles and Their Fuels pdf
Subject:Alternative Fuels, Projections
Presented by:Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator
Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Power (view archived webcast)
Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC—July 17, 2012
EIA's analysis of The Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 pdf
Subject:Environmental, Energy Markets
Presented by:Howard Gruenspecht, Acting Administrator
Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (view archived webcast)
United States Senate
Washington, DC—May 17, 2012
Current and Near-Term Future Price Expectations and Trends for Motor Gasoline and Other Refined Petroleum Products pdf
Subject:Energy Markets, Forecasts
Presented by:Howard Gruenspecht, Acting Administrator
Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
United States Senate
Washington, DC—March 29, 2012

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Natural Gas Demand: New Domestic Uses and LNG Exports pdf ppt
Subject:EIA, Natural Gas, Forecasts
Presented by:Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Presented to: Morgan Stanley Global Commodities Conference
Sunny Isles Beach, FL—December 12, 2012
U.S. Petroleum Exports pdf ppt
Subject:EIA, Petroleum, Forecasts
Presented by:Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Presented to: Morgan Stanley Global Commodities Conference
Sunny Isles Beach, FL—December 12, 2012
Annual Energy Outlook 2013, Early Release Reference Case pdf ppt
Subject:EIA, Energy Markets, Forecasts
Presented by:Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Presented to: AEO2013 Early Release Rollout Presentation (View archived webcast)
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
John Hopkins University
Washington, DC—December 5, 2012
U.S. Energy Market Outlook pdf ppt
Subject:EIA, Energy Markets, Forecasts
Presented by:Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Presented to: The Energy Forum
New York City, NY—November 29, 2012

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