28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas

'Tis the season to get your festering little monster a giant lump of coal. posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas
Matt Bellassai

We already know kids are stupid and the worst.

This is a well-established fact.

But guess what?

Kids around Christmastime are ESPECIALLY AWFUL.

Source: santaslap

1. First of all, they have NO SENSE OF WHAT TO ASK SANTA FOR.

Source: memewhore

2. Then when they get their shit, THEY SCREAM.

3. They're literally possessed.

4. They're evil demons around presents.

5. Careless, evil demons.

6. They become EMPOWERED around Christmas.

7. They get in the way of literally everything.

8. They don't help hang decorations when you're obviously in peril.

9. Oh, you're cutting down the tree? LET ME GET IN THE WAY.

10. Oh, you're setting up the tree? LET ME GET IN THE WAY.

11. Oh, you set up the tree?! LET ME GET IN THE WAY.


13. Also, they HATE SANTA.

Source: santaslap

14. Like *HATE* him.

Source: santaslap

15. They suck the joy out of every Christmas occasion.

Source: santaslap

16. Every Christmas picture is basically this.

Source: santaslap

17. Or this.

Source: skarvika

18. They're afraid of friendly snowmen.

19. They are functionally USELESS.


Source: santaslap

21. Hateful little trolls.

Source: santaslap

22. Small, joyless animals.

23. Living, breathing lumps of coal.

24. They get all up in your way when you're trying to shop.

Source: countchazula

25. They're weird.

26. And stupid.

27. And they can't walk in the snow.

28. And they're the worst.

Congratulations, kids. You're the reason Santa drinks.

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    14 Responses So Far

    • chrissyj3 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win  a few minutes ago
    • zrp added I Can't Stop Farting play to the mix about a few minutes ago
    • Diana H. thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 15 minutes ago
    • bullardkay thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about a half hour ago
    • reginaw thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL & OMG  about a half hour ago
    • Robin Lindsay thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • trinosaurusrex thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • Hotpynx   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s LOL  about an hour ago
    • kiffayatk   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about an hour ago
    • odster08   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about an hour ago
    • janak2 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about an hour ago
    • janice!   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Nom Nom, Win & LOL  about an hour ago
    • cassiec9   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about an hour ago
    • lchilese thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about an hour ago
    • taelors thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • Tralfamadore   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 2 hours ago
    • nikkianne617 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • sarahb57 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • estellelar
      2 hours ago

      actually the adults in my family ruin christmas , my daughter is the one making tolerable this year. My dads side of the family is the reason mommy drinks.

    • melissaannec   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 2 hours ago
    • Girlcam thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • allisonp thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • veronicao6
      2 hours ago

      Some of you need to lighten up & take the pole outta your uptight butt! This is meant as a joke, I'm sure! Wow! NO sense of humor! smh

    • kahcindy   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • Markatto thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 2 hours ago
    • andreal13 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • kestinp   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • wanshard   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Cute & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • athompson94   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • daisyj2 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • itsthecolleenlife thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • RyanH31 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Trashy & Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • annasysg thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Alejandra Villa thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • Kariered   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s WTF & LOL  about 3 hours ago
    • maryl24 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Fail  about 4 hours ago
    • rebeccam16   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 4 hours ago
    • bethanydc thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • jonah10s   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 4 hours ago
    • ~DRE~   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • melaniew6 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • cmonster11 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • noreenr2 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • jonathans50   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 4 hours ago
    • gingersaurusRex
      4 hours ago

      #17 - i cannot EVEN. that is amazing.

    • suem12   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 4 hours ago
    • Autumn1197   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 5 hours ago
    • mariaj5 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 5 hours ago
    • alexgonzo   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 5 hours ago
    • laurelc3 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 5 hours ago
    • MISFIT2012 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win  about 5 hours ago
    • emmmargaret   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 5 hours ago
    • rbuzz thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Nom Nom, Cute & LOL  about 5 hours ago
    • melanieee16 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 5 hours ago
    • novinat thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is OMG  about 5 hours ago
    • rabb thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win  about 6 hours ago
    • sarahw34 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • StacySweaters thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • tinap3   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • SteelRenegade   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas and thinks it’s Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • Narine thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • Yolie4u thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • westonp
      6 hours ago

      this is the first-ever buzzfeed list that just didn't do it for me, and usually the lists are some of my favorite things on the internet

    • shannon thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • bonniesf thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • ginaem24 thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • taniav3   28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas  about 6 hours ago
    • katx thinks 28 Reasons Why Kids Ruin Christmas is Win & LOL  about 6 hours ago
    • aegyeol
      7 hours ago

      Shit like this makes me so glad my younger cousins are finally grown now. Holidays used to totally suck when they came to town, but now they're actually fun.

    • PauperPrincess
      7 hours ago

      Actually, the problem isn't the children — it's all the stupid things parents put them through. Like the farce that is Santa Clause.

    • tonis3
      8 hours ago

      I allows thought it was drunk fathers who ruined Christmas?

    • Edouardo
      8 hours ago

      LOL they can be a pain in the a** but only an infertile a**hole would say their the worst.

    • Nevernude
      9 hours ago

      Is #4….Hermione?!

    • Jessica D.
      10 hours ago

      LOL….kids make Christmas so much better. I love this.

    • afay1220 added Cotton Eye Joe play to the mix about 12 hours ago
      12 hours ago

      I thank God that I never had any of those selfish little $hitheads.

    • gustavom3
      12 hours ago

      #1 Wants about three fitty, hes the Lochness monster!

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