Republican Congressman's Excuse For Not Extending The Middle-Class Tax Cuts

Rep. John Duncan (R-TN) admits that he won't extend middle-class tax cuts in order to keep control of the floor out of the hands of Democrats. posted

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Republican Congressman's Excuse For No...
Dorsey Shaw

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    1 Response So Far

    • Mr. JL thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is Fail  about 3 hours ago
    • benr11   Republican Congressman's Excuse F...  about 3 hours ago
    • Foozlesprite   Republican Congressman's Excuse F...  about 4 hours ago
    • coreym7
      7 hours ago

      What a scum bag, probably calls himself a “Conservative Christian” too.

    • ablaye thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is Fail  about 12 hours ago
    • bradb6 thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is Fail  about 13 hours ago
    • Leron V thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is WTF  about 21 hours ago
    • Amber McDaniel   Republican Congressman's Excuse F... and thinks it’s WTF  about 22 hours ago
    • nerdynagy thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is Trashy  about a day ago
    • rbuzz thinks Republican Congressman's Excuse F... is Fail  about a day ago

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