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Doug Knopper

Online Video's Biggest Lesson for 2013: It's All Just TV

Consumers Are Teaching Us That They Don't Care Where Their Video Comes From

It's the year the industry realizes what consumers have been telling us all along: 'online video' is really just television.

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Ana Andjelic

The Fast Follower Digital Gameplan

Most Digital Revolutions Start Small

Astute brands don't try to be trailblazers; instead they follow the path that's already been hacked by tech startups.

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David Berkowitz

The Verdict for Brands in PeopleBrowsr vs. Twitter

A Warning For Analytics Startups Attempting to Build Businesses on Twitter

Twitter has spent this year evolving from an open platform to one that is sealed off and tightly controlled.

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Ari Paparo

A Modest Proposal on 'Viewable' Ads

It's a Nice Idea, But Let's Not Make It a Currency for Online Display

What's wrong with viewable impressions? Simply put, they can't be measured consistently enough to serve as a currency.

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Chris Copeland

Microsoft's Trojan Horse: The Xbox in Your Living Room

Windows 8 Could Allow Consumers to Use All Their Screen Devices in a Consistent Way, Through the Home Command Center

As Google taught us to search and Apple to swipe, with its Xbox Microsoft can teach the value of continuity across all screens.

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Brian Heidelberger

Got a Facebook Brand Page? Here's How to Keep it Legal

The Key Things Brands Need to Know

The rules for promotions, sweepstakes, data collection, advertising and sponsored stories, explained.

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Jeff Dachis

Why Facebook's Naysayers Are Dead Wrong

Like All New Digital Mediums, It Will Take Time to Sort Out ROI For Social

A chorus of skeptics have come out after Facebook's algorithm change reduced the reach of organic posts. Here's what they don't understand about marketing.

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Chris Copeland

Welcome to the End of Black Friday…and Cyber Monday

How Technology Will Transform Retail Next Year

Walmart, Target and many others opened their doors on Thanksgiving evening effectively making Black Friday nothing more than a branding position. Meanwhile, tablets will moot Cyber Monday.

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Steve Goldner

Follow the Google-Facebook Road to Search-Social Synergy

Start With Compelling Content and Make It Searchable and Individualized

The imperative is clear: marketers must begin integrating search and social-media campaigns, expanding brand bonds with individuals.

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Jon Steinberg

Having a Mobile Strategy Is Like Having a 'Laptop' Strategy 20 Years Ago

The Reality Is Mobile Is Not Just Another Channel

Having a 'mobile strategy' understates the importance of mobile.

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