Behind the Headlines

Your guide to the science that makes the news

Childless couples who wanted kids 'die younger'

Thursday Dec 6 2012

Couples who want kids, but can’t, 'die yonger'

Childlessness “may increase likelihood of early death” BBC News has reported. The story is based on a study of more than 21,000 Danish couples seeking IVF treatment. Researchers found that women who did not go on to have a child...

Premature birth survival rates on the rise

Wednesday Dec 5 2012

Premature birth survival rates on the rise

'Premature babies study shows survival rates on rise' is the headline in The Guardian, which is one of many sources reporting the news that survival rates for babies born between 22 and 25 weeks have risen overall since 1995...

Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

Friday Nov 30 2012

Whooping cough and pregnancy - new advice issued

"Pregnant women are to be given the whooping cough vaccine for the first time following the biggest outbreak of the disease for 20 years and the deaths of 10 babies," The Daily Telegraph has reported…

Tool to predict babies likely to become obese

Thursday Nov 29 2012

Can 'chubby calculator' predict obesity risk at birth?

“Parents can learn whether their newborn is at risk of becoming fat using a simple online calculator,” The Daily Telegraph has reported. The story is based on a study that looked at whether a baby’s chances of becoming obese in childhood…

Car exhaust fumes 'link' to autism

Tuesday Nov 27 2012

Car exhaust fumes 'link' to autism

A potential link between pollution and autism is being widely reported in the media, with The Sun headline claiming 'Exhaust fume link to autism in infants and The Daily Telegraph reporting that 'Traffic fumes linked to autism...

Yawning while in the womb may offer insight into baby’s health

Thursday Nov 22 2012

Yawning in womb may offer insight into baby’s health

'Ultrasound scans that catch unborn babies yawning in the uterus may help doctors monitor the normal development of children in the womb' The Guardian suggests. As an new study offers the theory that yawning may be a sign of nervous system development…

Is childcare ‘making kids chubbier’?

Tuesday Nov 20 2012

Childcare ‘making kids chubbier’

'Children who go to nursery are 50% more likely to be overweight than those cared for by their parents' the Daily Mail reports. This follows a Canadian study that found that kids sent to daycare were 50% more likely to be overweight in later childhood…

Will pregnancy stress make your kid's life hard?

Monday Nov 19 2012

Stressful pregnancy makes kids 'easy prey' for bullies

'Children whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy are more likely to be bullied at school' the Daily Mail claims after the publication of a new study looking at whether stress in pregnancy can be passed down to the child…

New meningitis B vaccine gets go-ahead

Monday Nov 19 2012

'Breakthrough' meningitis vaccine to be given UK licence

The announcement of a new meningitis vaccine has been widely reported in the papers, with the Daily Star claiming it could soon save thousands of lives in the UK. The Daily Mail predicts it will "soon be offered to all babies" to protect against...

Weekly glass of wine in pregnancy 'harms kids' IQ'

Thursday Nov 15 2012

Just one glass of wine a week in pregnancy 'damages' child’s IQ

‘Any wine and kid’s a plonker,’ is today’s Sun headline. This headline achieves a triple whammy of badness – being fearmongering, crassly offensive and, to cap it all, inaccurate. The Sun headline – and...

What is Behind the Headlines?

What is Behind the Headlines?

We give you the facts without the fiction. Professor Sir Muir Gray, founder of Behind the Headlines, explains more...

Miracle Foods: myths and the media

Each day there's a new crop of possibly life-changing headlines about how food affects our health. Read our report on the health properties of food

Clinical trials and medical research

Clinical trials explained, including how to take part in one and why medical research is important

Video: clinical trials

In this video, find out about clinical trials, what they involve and who can take part in one.

Atlas of risk

NHS Atlas of Risk

Compare cause of death and health risks based on age, sex and where you live

Strength and Flex

Download our Strength and flexibility podcast series and get a free personal trainer