Healthy Christmas

Cooking turkey

Cook the perfect Christmas turkey with our tips on defrosting and cooking poultry safely and storing leftovers.

Twelve tips for a healthy Christmas

From defrosting turkey to using leftovers, these food safety tips will help you avoid food poisoning this Christmas.

Healthy Christmas snacks

Snacking can pile on the pounds over Christmas. Here are some healthy but tasty alternatives.

Healthy Christmas dinner

Find out how you can cut 500kcal from your traditional Christmas dinner without sacrificing its taste.

Ten ways to prevent food poisoning

How to prevent food poisoning, including tips on hand washing, food storage and thorough cooking.

Christmas leftovers recipe ideas

From turkey to Christmas cake, check out these recipe ideas to use up Christmas meal leftovers.

Prevent Christmas injuries

Excitement, stress, tiredness and alcohol can create unexpected hazards in the home at Christmas. Get tips on preventing accidents.

Festive drinking

A single drink can push you over the legal driving limit. Find out how to stay safe over the festive period.

Hangover cures

Sensible drinking is the best way to avoid a hangover, but if it's too late for that then these tips may help.

Keep calm at Christmas

Ways to keep Christmas with the family stress-free include sharing the work and planning the day.

Five safer sex tips for the party season

Sex tips for the party season to prevent STIs and unplanned pregnancy, and help you stock up on contraception.

Exercising in the cold

Boost your mood and stay in shape with our cold weather exercise advice.

Christmas on your own

Ideas for getting into the festive spirit and keeping healthy if you're on your own over Christmas.

New Year's resolutions

Get help achieving your New Year's resolution, whether it's losing weight, getting fit, stopping smoking or drinking less.


Keep safe this Christmas (PDF, 660kb)

Official data shows that the Christmas holiday is a dangerous time of year. Read up on the risks

Change4Life resolution booster 

If you’re going to make a healthy change in 2013, Change4Life could up your chances of success

Can Christmas shopping be good for your health?

Walking an extra 3,000 steps a day can improve your fitness. Can Kate from London clock up 3,000 just by doing her Christmas shopping?

Digestive health video wall

Digestive health video wall

Watch videos of real people and experts discussing complaints ranging from diarrhoea to gallstones.

Colds and flu

The difference between a cold and flu, symptoms, remedies and who needs to have the flu jab

Winter health

Tips and advice on how to stay healthy and well through the cold, dark days of winter

Healthy eating

Information on how to achieve a balanced diet, tips to help you get your five a day and advice for vegetarians

Stress management

Learn to spot symptoms of stress and get practical tips on keeping stress under control

Medicines out of hours

Plan ahead to ensure you don't run out of your medicines when you go on holiday