


Find out what norovirus is, how to reduce your risk of getting it and what to do if you have it.

I've got norovirus again

Don't worry – it's OK to get norovirus more than once. 

You can get norovirus several times because the virus is always changing, which means your body cannot build up resistance to it.

Norovirus, better known as the winter vomiting bug, is the most common stomach bug in the UK, affecting people of all ages.

The virus, which is highly contagious, causes vomiting and diarrhoea. As there is no specific cure, you have to let it run its course, but it should not last more than a couple of days. If you get norovirus, make sure you drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and practise good hygiene to help prevent it from spreading.

Read more about the symptoms of norovirus.

Norovirus can be unpleasant to experience, but it's not generally dangerous and most people make a full recovery within a couple of days, without having to see a doctor.

Noroviruses are a group of viruses that are the most common cause of stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) in the UK. They are also known as small round structured viruses (SRSV) or Norwalk-like viruses.

Between 600,000 and 1 million people in the UK catch norovirus every year. You may have heard of it as the “winter vomiting bug” because the illness is more common in winter. However, the virus can be caught at any time of the year.

What should I do?

If you have norovirus, the following steps should help ease your symptoms:

  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Take paracetamol for any fever or aches and pains.
  • If you feel like eating, eat foods that are easy to digest. 
  • Stay at home and don't go to the doctor, because norovirus is contagious and there is nothing the doctor can do while you have it.
  • However, contact your GP to seek advice if your symptoms last longer than a few days or if you already have a serious illness.

Extra care should be taken to prevent babies and small children who are vomiting or have diarrhoea from dehydrating, by giving them plenty of fluids. Babies and young children can still drink milk.

Read more about treating norovirus.

Don't worry if you are pregnant and you get norovirus: there is no risk to your unborn child.

How to stop it spreading

The virus is easily spread by contact with an infected person, especially through their hands. You can also catch it through contaminated food or drink or by touching contaminated surfaces or objects.

The following measures should help prevent the virus from spreading further:

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Do not share towels and flannels.
  • Disinfect any surfaces that an infected person has touched. 

Read more about preventing norovirus.

Outbreaks in busy places such as hospitals, nursing homes and schools are common because the virus can survive for several days on surfaces or objects touched by an infected person.

Last reviewed: 20/03/2012

Next review due: 20/03/2014


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User71018 said on 22 December 2012

What a virus.... I certainly would not want this on a vessel!! My whole family have had it and t be honest no one recovered wthin 48hrs...... I am tryig to wash the virus out with plain water.... If I eat it seems to make things worse! Horrid virus....... I on day three (wife took five days to smi-recover and is still loose in her motions).,,,,,, any tips on getting rid of quicker - is immodium a bad idea?

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User712024 said on 21 December 2012

Second time this year have picked up Norovirus, this time including my husband.

I am a frequent visitor to my wonderful NHS hospital, having a serious auto-immune condition which requires immunosurpression therapy and a load of other drugs alongside, and suspect this is where I picked it up.

I am sorry to say that there are truly some shocking hygiene practices observed by some people, whilst visiting I went to the ladies, to witness not one, but two people visit the lav, and walk out without washing hands, and one of these ladies said to her friend on way out, I think I have an upset tummy, OMG! For goodness sake, what is wrong with people!

After a visit on Tues of this week, Weds night, suddenly felt aches and pains, stomach gurgling, and awful acid reflux, the the shivers, and then for 36 hours non-stop relentless diarrhoes and vomiting of projectile variety, shjivers, temperature of 38.6, visual disturbances.

Today 2 days later, D & V has subsided, but feel like I have been hit by a truck, fatigue and very weak. My husband recovered fairly quickly, but he is not immunosurpressed.

Anyone with a serious medical condition that requires medication daily, please do not be afraid to seek help from your GP or NHS direct, they are always very helpful.

Tips. Fruit ice lollies, boiled cooled water, rehydration sachet salts, no dairy products at all.

And please unless a medical emergency, stay away from doctors surgeries, hospitals and vulnerable people, i.e.children or people with medical conditions like me.

This is a nasty strain, and would appear to be very virulent.

From now on, in hospitals, I refuse to use their sanitisers, sit and watch the people in waiting rooms use the loo, then just opt for sanitiser on wall, they have to touch the thing to get gel out!!

Gloves and my own sanitiser in bag for me from now on.

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wilmapickle said on 20 December 2012

Just had this bug and found it better to drink fluids with some sugar in rather than plain water, felt at least I was getting some calories in there even though I couldn't eat. Been drinking lots of fizzy water with homemade elderflower cordial as thats what I fancied and elderflower also has anti-viral propertes so who knows, it might have helped! Worst of the symptoms only lasted 24 hours although its day 2 and I still feel weak and breathless, at least I should be ok for Xmas lunch!! Got a 5 week old baby and keeping a close eye on him though, he seems ok so far.

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LJI said on 20 December 2012

I caught norovirus simply collecting someone from the hospital. I used the hand creams provided and I always wash when I have been to the toilet and always wash before handling food or preparing food.
The lady I collected from the hospital is 90 years old. She started being sick the night she returned home and I started the day after.

I took every precaution because it part of my daily routine and normal practice to wash.

So how did I get it????
More importantly.... why did I get it?

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Jonty1966 said on 18 December 2012

I had shivering on Day 1, and vomiting on Day 2. Can't wait to find out what Day 3 brings!

Standing up and moving round seems to trigger vomiting, so my advice is to stay in bed if you can.

It seems that keeping hydrated is all you can do, as there's no miracle cure. And I've read you should avoid contact with people for 24 hours after your symptoms have finished as you will still be contagious.

The following site was very hepful (thanks to the previous correspondent who recommended it):

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carlalees said on 18 December 2012

Why do people not realise that this virus is caused by people not washing their hands after going to the toilet!! I witness this regularly in the UK. Many people do NOT wash after going to the loo!! it is disgusting and not fair on the rest of the population!!!
People also do not clean with bleach anymore, the only thing that gets rid of this is bleach. Too many people use wipes that are just anti bacterial and hand gels which do not clean your hands! If your hands are dirty then just use soap and water!!!
Sorry to rant but it annoys me and I think if the whole nation improved their after toilet hygiene and cleaned sanitaryware more with bleach Norovirus may not happen as often!

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hotsnow said on 18 December 2012

...a word of advice to all sufferers of this- do not attempt to break wind. It does not end well.

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mellybellymelanie said on 17 December 2012

Suffering this virus at the moment although i hope the worst is over, started vomiting yesterday teatime non stop, went to the bathroom again at 11pm sickness and diarohea, started feeling sweaty,dizzy, ringing in my ears honestly thought i was dying soo scared, next thing i woke in a pool of vomit on the floor, had blacked out from dehydration, out of hours doctors told me to go to hospital as i needed anti sickness tablets. At last i managed to get some sleep, still feel weak and achy but have sterilised all my door handles,phones,laptop remotes, bathroom and kitchen, had gels and constantly washing my hands. fingers crossed im me again soon, its a terrible bug.

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tpritchard15 said on 15 December 2012

i have been suffering with gastroenteritis all week due to norovirus - included a visit to the hospital aswell needed fluids and a whole load of morphine! Possible the worse illness I have ever experienced and I am still struggling with it now!

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Clp76 said on 14 December 2012

Awful awful bug. Never experienced anything like it. Drinking sips of water is really important tho during the worst of my symptoms even this has been impossible - ice lollies have been my saviour- very refreshing and a really good way if getting fluids in.

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cestlavie said on 14 December 2012

This bug really is just nasty! It creeps up on you unexpected. Wednesday, I had a very busy day and went out for a meal in the evening. Had these funny stomach cramps afterwards and thought I had indigestion. Around 4am I awoke to feeling really nauseas and really dizzy. I kept trying to sleep until 7am, I had to rush to the bathroom to be violently sick. I went back to bed feeling shivery and almost drunk feeling. In the morning I felt just as bad and remembered I had had diarrhoea the previous day around lunchtime, so it must have been connected. I then couldn't eat for entire day and kept needing to sleep cos If i stood up i'd feel faint and sick. Kept experiencing sweats and chills. Its only friday, I still have shooting pains in my stomach and have thankfully not got bouts of diarrhoea so far (fingers crossed). But I literally felt like I had been beaten up to a pulp. Do not remember feeling this ill in years!

Good news - What does help once the worst is over around 24 hours later, flat full fat coca cola and ready salted crisps and peppermint tea, which my GP recommended. No dairy or fruit as this causes acid.

Just remember to ride it out and you will get better! Even though it feels like it's going on for years.

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healy66 said on 14 December 2012

Hi fellow suffers. Yesterday 3.40 pm felt got a episode of burping then a sudden urgency to go to the toilet - well we all know the rest. I have had this last year but this episodes is not as bad so far. I find sipping flat diet coke at room temperature through a straw helps with the dehydration, I have also had some Paracetamol for the stomach pain and the pain from my upper rib area - it is like the nerve pain you get with chickenpox. A hot water bottle helps to sooth the stomach cramps. Hand hygiene is essential soap and water and dry your hands completely . Get plenty of rest . I have had some mashed potatoes and so far it has stayed down. Who ever is doing the washing the hottest temperature possible - you need to kill the blithers . Advised to stay off work 48 hours after last episoded of symptons.

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TRIUMPH1959 said on 13 December 2012

What can I say , any colleagues who had this and I doubted them I'm sorry , no immodium wont work
yes you have to be sick even though yo haven't eaten for over 12 hours , I starved my self and drank carbonatet water and green tea , At over 50 this is the first time , whats worse is its seens to be so contaigus
its going round my work like wildfire , its also seems people can carry the virus and pass it on without actually experiencing the symptons themselves.

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the_slush said on 13 December 2012

I've had this for the past two days. My advice is to stay at home near the bathroom with a bowl at hand, drink water and/or dioralyte slowly to keep yourself hydrated, take ibuprofen for the aches and pains and to not eat anything until you've stopped being sick for about 12 hours. The first 24 hours are murder but it does get better.

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charlieyankie said on 11 December 2012

Have had conflicting information regarding this illness but I think that this article is the most authorative on the web. Hand washing and using bleach to clean infected surfaces seems to be the best advice.

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mrpaulo said on 10 December 2012

I've had this before a couple of times - started again last night but didn't seem as bad as usual... unusually my wife also has it today usually its a few days apart.
I can recommend Gatorade for rehydrating when you are ready to start sipping a drink. It has electrolytes and carbs to rehydrate but no caffiene like lucozade etc which can stimulate the bowel and keep you "going"... I don't work for Gatorade BTW..

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Tri99er said on 09 December 2012

I suffer from ibs and after dinner on Friday night I had very bad stomach cramps so just assumed it was that. Saturday morning I woke up with aches and pains. By Saturday afternoon I felt faint, dizzy, sick and had diarrhoea. Saturday night I was pretty much in the loo all night. At one point I sat on the loo for 30min and nothing, as soon as I got into bed I had to literally sprint to the loo. This is without a doubt the worst thing I have experienced. Luckily I don't appear to have the vomiting so fingers crossed I have missed that symptom. I lost half a stone in one day.

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Tri99er said on 09 December 2012

It all started on Friday night after eating dinner I had a night of severe stomach cramps (as I suffer from ibs I just thought it was that) Saturday morning I felt weak and still had bad stomach cramps. By Saturday lunchtime I had diarrhoea and felt faint. Saturday night I went to the toilet approx 11 times. At one point I sat on the loo seat for 30 mins and nothing (ibs sufferers know what that's like) then I went back to bed at which point I had seconds to get to the toilet. I tried to eat something on Sunday and really struggled. I think that's partly due to the stomach cramps as you just do not have any appetite. Luckily I am not vomiting so hoping I don't get that. This is most definitely the worst virus I have had. Does not help that I have a busy week at work but I can't risk going in. Seems silly but wipe down door handles at home as I didn't think of this until my mum mentioned it as mentioned it is highly contagious.

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dribb said on 06 December 2012

I'm suffering with this at the moment!
I woke up early Monday morning with a few stomach pains, and I went into work thinking after some water i'd feel better.
Half and hour into being at work I ran to the toilet to be violently sick.
I preceded to be sick numerous times at home, I couldn't even keep water down. After that I kept retching.
I'm on my fourth day off work now, as I still feel very weak. I can still barely eat, and walking around makes me feel light headed and dizzy.
Any tips on fully getting rid of the remains of this virus as I would like to go back to work :(

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dribb said on 06 December 2012

I'm suffering with this at the moment!
I woke up early Monday morning with a few stomach pains, and I went into work thinking after some water i'd feel better.
Half and hour into being at work I ran to the toilet to be violently sick.
I preceded to be sick numerous times at home, I couldn't even keep water down. After that I kept retching.
I'm on my fourth day off work now, as I still feel very weak. I can still barely eat, and walking around makes me feel light headed and dizzy.
Any tips on fully getting rid of the remains of this virus as I would like to go back to work :(

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vodkajelly said on 04 December 2012

This virus is nothing short of horrendous. I was struck down with it at a friend's wedding on Saturday, which was an hour away from home. At first I just felt full and uncomfortable, and thought I'd eaten too much. I went to the bathroom to try to make a bit of room so to speak, and ended up throwing up dinner. I felt better for about half an hour... then it very quickly got a whole lot worse. We were in the middle of nowhere and the taxi wasn't due for another 4 hours, most of which I spent in the bathroom being violently sick and with terrible diarrhoea. By the time the taxi turned up (there were a few of us travelling together and I suppose I soldiered on cos I didn't want to ruin anyone else's night), I was green. I had to get the driver to stop on the hard shoulder of the motorway so I could throw up again, and it took every muscle in my lower body to stop myself from having a very unpleasant accident at the same time.

Once I got home it got worse, even the smallest sip of water would come straight back up again with barely any warning ('projectile' doesn't begin to cover it), the cramps were excruciating, and I was physically shivering so much the bed was shaking. I tried not drinking anything at all so there was nothing to come up but bile, but this just hurt even more, plus I knew I needed to try to stay hydrated so I drank some cold water very slowly. I was in the bathroom every 15-20 minutes for a good 12 hours. By this point it was just water and bile but even when I was 'empty' my stomach was contracting - 48 hours later I still feel like I've been beaten up.

I've lost about half a stone - no exaggeration - in three days, I've not been able to manage more than half a bowl of soup in that time. I'm not even hungry.

The only advice I can give to anyone suffering is that you just need to ride it out, there's nothing a doctor can do unless you find yourself getting dehydrated. It does pass, eventually, but just try to stay warm and hydrated.

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Jockmcblock said on 01 December 2012

Had a touch of the watery diarrhoea yesterday morning but thought that may have been due to a curry the night before. Travelled to Birmingham to meet family and on he journey up started feeling bloated which worsened until mid morning it felt like food poisoning (had salmonella in my teens). I ended up feinting in the street. I was helped to a portaloo where I had a massive bout of very watery diarrhoea and felt an immediate improvement but I was then attended by a paramedic and an ambulance crew who checked my blood sugars, temperature, heart, etc. The backs of my legs had that feeling you get after having really bad cramp and that is still with me today. I was quite shivery all the way back on the three hour train journey but a good nights sleep and some toast and tea this morning and although I have a bit of a headache and am still rehydrating I think I am over the worse of a very short but severe bout of this virus - touch wood. My heart goes out to those who are suffering for a longer period.

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rhgana said on 30 November 2012

I caught this awful bug when I was 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child. It started with my 18 month old, he would go to his dad to be comforted and me to be sick on!! We were very worried about him, constantly vomiting throughout the day and all I could do was give him little sips of water. I went to bed around 11pm, and read a little when I knew I was going to be sick. I didn't feel sick, I just knew I was going to be...and that was that! The poor hobby taking care of me and my son while we both threw up around him, and the cramps!!! 12 hours later the vomiting stopped and the diarrhea started, lasted another 12 hours. How the other half didn't catch it is still a mystery, but I never, ever want to be that ill again!!!

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Mere said on 27 November 2012

I'm actually over in British Columbia Canada but found this site when reading up on Norovirus. It hit all 6 of us in our family, or at least seems to be the same thing. It has also been racing through the local schools. No seemingly 'confirmed' cases yet, though confirmation only comes from stool sample and we are recommended not to go to the doctors for this.
However this is day 3 for my one son who is almost 4. He seemed to be getting better and now today woke up with stomache pains near his belly button. Hopefully hasnt progressed to anything else, keeping an eye on it. A nasty virus, especially with the speed in which it can take down a whole family!

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Trev53 said on 25 November 2012

I felt I would like to share my experience of this awful bug. I care for my 85 yr old mother and on Thursday 3am she vomited excessively in her bed. She has Dementia as well as other problems. I cleaned her up as best I could. At 6am similar happened. I telephone a friend/carer who came round to help me. Mother had vomit all over her the bed linen was awful.
We put my mother in another nightdress and hoisted her to her chair. My friend said she would call back later. My mother vomited a further 3 times and also filled her continence pad to overflowing. We then had another wash to do and my mother was hoisted to bed. It seemed she made a great recovery and other carers who help me remarked about how well she looked. Saturday evening, she completely filled her pad in bed to a point where the bowel movement was on my arms etc soaking the bed linen etc. I did have another carer ready to come in as usual and she was great, we managed to sort lots out. In all my years of caring for my mother ( I am male by the way) I have never seen anything like this.
I did have contact with nhs direct and they were marvellous, the nurse spent time talking to me, even if it was 2am in the morning. We discussed symptoms of dehyrating. I obtained some Dioralyte which I think has helped. I have had a mountain of washing. I do not feel sorry for myself I just want my mother back to normal. With Dementia she is unable to tell me if she is in pain etc. I sympathise with those of you who have had or got this bug, but sparea thought for people like my mother who are unable to express their pain, there is always someone else worse off than ourselves.
I am hoping to get a bit better nights sleep tonight, its Sunday and I have not had much sleep since Thursday when this bug started. Touch wood I have not had it. Would be pleased to read about any other carers in same situation.

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jan50 said on 24 November 2012

Just recovering from this bug.
My god its nasty. Started Tuesday morning.
7am I was fine then by 8.30am I was back in bed.
The sudden onset of very bad diarraeah.
This went on with more than 30 trips to the loo by 6pm then the sickness started - projectile.
Shivers then sweats feeling like passing out,lying in bed with fleece jamas on and quilt over me.
I didn't get up then until the following night around 6.30 for about an hour.
Vomiting for the one night. Diarreah until thursday mid day.
This has just left feeling very tired now with the main problem chronic heartburn from the acid in stomach from not eating for 3 days. So will be trying some of the recommendations on here.
So far stayed off milk.
Mainly eating soup poured over baked potatoe but not eateng the skin. Jelly. Bio Yoghurt. Peppermint tea. Water Water Water.
All the best to anyone suffering.

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Aisyrk said on 23 November 2012

Just recovering from this now; having read the other comments, I suppose I'm 'lucky' in that the V&D only lasted for one day for me.

I was absolutely fine at work the day before, developed a slight stomach ache in the evening, but though no more of it and went to bed. Then, woke up suddenly at ten past 3 with horrendous stomach cramps and the urgent need to vomit. After a while spent writhing on the bathroom floor, I managed to grab a bucket and crawl back to bed.

The next 24 hours were spent drifting in and out of consciousness, with sudden dashes to the loo with diarrhoea. I could barely drink, let alone eat, was feverish, achy and almost hallucinating, writhing about in my bed with cramps and generally feeling like death!

I have to say, NHS Direct were absolutely great when I called them; sensible advice and a friendly voice when I needed it. I feel like I've started to turn the corner with this now, touch wood; I managed to keep a bowl of tomato soup down today! I can wholeheartedly recommend peppermint tea & honey to sip on, too. Just try and drink a bit, even if it's just sips.

Good luck to anyone else with this; no matter how horrendous it feels, it will pass, I promise!

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Juliusv said on 23 November 2012

Just wanted to chip in with my experience. Mainly because its almost 3am and I can't sleep due to this horrendous virus! Like another commenter, did a full day at work on wed, felt lousy going home, then it hit me! Worst I've felt in a long time. Keep retching despite no food in stomach to bring up. Not even going to talk about the other thing!! I glugged lots of cold water at first but it wouldn't stay down. Suggest warming water a bit before drinking. Also have kept warm Orange juice, sipped slowly, down. Worried for my flatmate so trying to keep everything clean. Using no water antibacterial gel before touching things etc. Up to almost 36 hrs now and no end in sight. Feel extremely sorry for myself so sympathies to the rest of you with this hideous illness!

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Ruthie19 said on 22 November 2012

What amazed me was the speed which this virus hits. I did a full day at work yesterday but as soon as I got home at 5.15 I felt suddenly tired and drained and went to bed. A couple of hours later I had to get up to be sick a number of times, and passed out in the kitchen hitting my head on the cooker, so my husband found me in a pool of vomit and with blood pouring from my head!!! I passed out again in the bathroom and just lay on the bathroom floor being sick. Then the diarrhoea started. At about 4am I was sick again, but then slept until 7.30 when I managed to get up and wash the dried blood out of my hair. My husband came down with the vomiting and diarrhoea about 4am until 8am,and his symptoms were less than mine. I had pancreatitis about 20 years ago and the pain in my back was so bad I wondered at first if it was returning again. Both of us feel drained and cold and have just lay on the settee all day with blankets over us. It is only now at 3pm I have felt strong enough to look this disease up on the internet. One symptom I have noticed not mentioned on this site is yawning all the time. I agree with the anasthetic worker who commented on Ribena. It is the only thing that has stayed down and is very soothing made with warm water,giving a vital sugar boost. I think the symptoms sited above should add fainting and severe back pains to the mix.

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Ozzy O said on 21 November 2012

This has spread through 3 of our family in the past 2 or 3 days. I started with it on Monday feeling very tired and sporting a severe headache, blurred vision and abdominal cramps. I have now been sick about 14 times (Almost on the hour every hour); each time its 1 or 2 minutes of 5 or 6 violent ejections of manly fluid, the later just pure bile; I became unbearable hot and was sweating profusely . Also had many very watery bowl moments, extremely unpleasant odour. Was very wary of dehydration so started to try and drink water; stayed down for a while only to come back up again. The past few hours I have managed to take on some fluid; its stayed down. I still feel tired and sick and have no energy, bowl moments still very watery. Have had little or nothing to eat for 72 hours; don't feel like I need to. Have took the advise from this site and stayed away from work, the speed it went through our family is scary, would not want this in my place of work; a office apartment with 400+ people it could be horrendous.

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Alwaysawallace said on 21 November 2012

What a good website. I work in the NHS in anaesthetics and am scrupulous about hand hygiene etc BUT woke up this morning at 1.30 feeling really bloated and acidy. Got up, took an antacid (yeah, right), then, about 10 mins later the explosive D&V started and has continued for 8 hours. I too couldn't sleep, read, text or watch tv but it's now 18 hours later and I can stand without throwing up. Try Ribena, at least if it does come back up, it tastes nice. I also took 2 paracetamol an hour ago and the aches have gone. I cannot imagine ever eating again and, in fairness to my colleagues and the patients, I'll be off sick tomorrow as well, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but you WILL feel better soon!

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Dizzyblonde2 said on 20 November 2012

I feel for each and every one of you who have posted on here! I started this about 3.30am on Sunday morning. Had felt a little sick before going to bed Saturday night, but thought I was just tired and would be ok in the morning. Woke around 3am feeling really sick after a couple of minutes I thought I should get up cos I really needed the loo! Well that was it, the floodgates opened so to speak! Couple of minutes later I was violently sick into the bath (was all I could do, it's next to the toilet and I couldn't move). Screamed for my husband as I thought I was going to faint, my vision went and I felt so hot. Continued like this till around 10.30 am when I felt 'safe' to leave the bathroom and go back to bed. That's where I've been since and just feel so weak and useless. I've tried to eat and drink, toast and water but I constantly feel sick and the little I have managed to eat and drink has just made me sick again. My husband is a paramedic and is great, and has said to make sure I try to get some fluids inside me, my body will tell me when it's ready to eat again. I only hope that is soon, as I really feel like death warmed up right now! It's a very frightening experience when it's happening at its worse, but my advice is to not call an ambulance. I understand why people do, especially if you're on your own. There is nothing the crew can do for you, and chances are you'll pass it on to them. Hopefully I'll start to feel like a human being again very soon.

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ilovemykittykat said on 19 November 2012

i have just recovered from this. nvr heard of it b4 now. but now i know what i had!!.
my daughter had it three weeks ago, and i got it last week. now the husband has it.
i had a badback for a few days beforehand, and achey limbs, then i woke up one morning last week feeling slightly off. i lay down on the sofa and had a few more hours, i was so weak, i couldn't had no energy to do anything. when i woke up after a few hours, i felt a bit queasy, and then suddenly this wave of nausea hit me, and i had to run upstairs as i knew i was just going to be sick. i was violently sick. it was absolutely awful.
i was so bad, i couldn't keep even a sip of liquid down. i was throwing up bile until the point that my stomach was so empty it felt like it was tying itself in knots.
i tried sipping hot chocolate, tea, and water but i found if i drunk liquids, even just sipping them, then i was throwing up every 15 minutes without fail so i avoided liquids, just to get past the throwing up stage, and i was still sick every 30 minutes - 1 hour. i was wretching so bad, when the diarrhea kicked in and i ended up having an accident. im so glad i was at home.
my sickness lasted for 15 hours. i still felt nausious after this time, but i could by then sip water. i felt a whole heap better 48 hours later. just aches in my tummy muscles from throwing up so much.
I never went to the doctors, i just assumed i had picked up a bug. now i am aware of this norovirus, i will be a lot more careful around those sicky people in winter.
ps. i never took any anti sickness or anti diarrhea meds as i was under the impression that if your body has picked up a virus, then it's its way of flushing that virus out, from both ends. surely taking meds would prevent this happen and slow down recovery??
just my thoughts, i am not a doctor.
i wish anyone who currently has this, or has someone in their family that has it, a speedy recovery. it is the worst i have ever felt in my whole entire life.

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jhs777 said on 19 November 2012

I am just recovering from this. This is the worst I have felt for a very long time. I vomited once last week, but felt drained for two days. On the fifth day into it i suffered from terrible gas and eggy burps. Diarrhea like nothing else came soon and lasted for about 30 hours. A friend told me to eat marshmellows. I did. Wow! They work! The diarrhea stopped and the bloated feeling left and the gas has subsided. Try eating marshmellows to calm you gut.

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khmp71 said on 18 November 2012

I work in childcare and we've had several children off with this recently so knew I was going to get ut, started Friday night 6pm with very sudden nausea and weakness, starte throwing up 9pm, went on all night. Feverish, wea,k, lying on the bathroom floor (husband had to carry me upstairs), in bed all day saturday just sipping water, taking paracetamol and eating grapes. Sunday lunchtime and just managed some toast although still feel very sick and a bit feverish. No diarrhea as yet. Will be staying off work for two days and praying my husband, 6 year old son and 2 year old daughter dont catch it. Whats made it worse is parents who send their children back to daycare too soon! Even a colleague who had it came back after 24 hours! Please do us all a favour and stay away as you are infecting others! 48 hours aftwr symptoms subside is the very minimum!!!

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scared771 said on 16 November 2012

I am a bad ematophobe and am so scared of this bug. Can't help but check up on this site to see its latest victims even when this only serves to worry me more. I really think they need to give everyone a vaccine to protect. In my day there were only tummy bugs going round which meant a couple of episodes of vomiting at worst and maybe a few runs to the toilet but 20 hours of non-stop vomiting! Surely this means this bug has mutated in to something very destructive. Am scared of what the future holds...

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midlandsmike said on 14 November 2012

Sympathies to all. Started with stomach pains that got worse over 2 hours until finally, at 4am, I realised the inevitable. Cue 20 hours of vomiting every 30 minutes (no joking) as well as diarrohoea. I could not stop being sick. However, as it seemed to never end, I read to only drink water in small sips and only 5+ minutes after you've been sick. I tried this and the sickness stopped quickly. Maybe it helped, or maybe the sickness would have stopped anyway.

Now, 3 days later I still feel awful. Eating is a struggle, feel queasy and stomach pains/gut ache. Even spending 5-10 minutes out of bed is exhausting and making me feel a lot worse. Just looking forward to finally getting better and hopefully never experiencing this again - but how many more days? :( Living alone has been hell so far with this.

Has anyone been fine 2 days after it started like the article indicates? Sounds farcical given the comments here... on the 2nd day it was all I could do to find the phone to call work...

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BrummieG said on 13 November 2012

Awful bug. Our household struck down. Thursday night we put our children to bed, all fine, then our four year old was screaming, rushed upstairs to see our two year old daughter projectile vomiting, never seen anything like it before, we were up all night with her, everyone else fine, I was on nights next day so was ok staying up. On saturday went to work normally, My turn do the weekends as a lone worker (Security Officer). Went for a wee and then bang! vomiting uncontrollably into sink, the aches I had after the first vomit were undescribable, never felt my legs, arms, back ache ever in 45 yearslike this. I was poleaxed on the floor at one stage and dumped myself into the first aid room, no help from employer, grievance raised. Next two days in and out of bed, some reason could only keep lucozade down, small sips. Our 4 year old then developed the vomiting on sunday but has recovered a lot quicker. My wife is the only one who has escaped, at the moment, touch wood. A nasty little bug. My heart goes out to everyone who gets this, stay strong.

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charl_mcc said on 12 November 2012

I had this recently. Went to bed feeling fine and then woke up at 1.30am feeling sick. Was vomiting within 20 minutes, very violently, so hard I peed myself! Vomited every hour (6 times) until the morning. The next day I had a fever of 38.4C which lasted 36 hours; couldn't sleep, watch TV, concentrate. I had crazy vivid dreams during this period. Obviously I couldn't eat, but I found orange squash and pieces of ice very palatable. No diarrhea or stomach cramps though (I wonder whether some people on here are suffering from food poisoning instead of a virus?) Anyway, after another two days of feeling 'drunk', weak and headachey I was back to normal :)

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Lizzeec said on 12 November 2012

I caught this virus 5 days ago and it came on very suddenly, I was at work and jus threw up, I had to go home because I couldn't stop, when I did get home the diahorrea started as well as being sick at the same time, I was aching and any smells or thoughts of food made me want to be sick, the sickness and diahorrea lasted about 10 hours on and off, I didn't eat for 3days but just drunk a lot of water, when I was feeling better I went round and cleaned all the door handles and bathrooms to prevent my boyrfriend from getting it, I'm still not 100% and my best friend at the moment is lucozade as food still makes me feel sick. Best thing to do is stay in bed and drink plenty of water.

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SLees40 said on 12 November 2012

Could not resist sharing my story. I started off with the fever, aches and pains shortly followed. And within 24 hours the Vomit began followed by the Diarrhoea. The fever intensified, accompanied with aches, pains and stomach cramps. Could not get comfortable because the stomach cramps were constant and relentless. Luckily the D and V only lasted a mere 12 hours or so but for the next 24-36 hours I simply could not move. My body wouldn't function and there was intense pain all over my body! It is now Day 7 and although the main symptoms are gone, I am extremely dizzy, my eye sight is a bit blurred, and after returning to work today have just had to come home as I almost fainted. I just want it out of my system now but reading some stories that it takes over 2 weeks to clear!

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cathwoo45 said on 11 November 2012

Me , my mum and dad have all catched the Noro Virus from me. We have been feeling ill on and off and it wanst very nice having the Noro Virus. It is until today that we have been feeling back to normal. I am still feeling a bit tired and it really takes it out of me. Its the first year that i have catched the Noro Virus. I am slowly getting my appetite back.

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Zombiegrrrl said on 09 November 2012

Dear god! This is worst I've felt ever. I have all the symptoms but I just cannot be sick... I feel it but nothing comes up. The cramps are the worst of it! Ugh!

Good luck!

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Uzume13 said on 09 November 2012

Just heard this is going around my college like wildfire - unfortunately there aren't always opportunities to wash my hands, especially given the extensive building works going on (cuts off access to may areas with loos), so I am hoping my regular use of hand sanitiser will stop me catching it! I had this about 7 years ago and it was hellish!

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noodleunit said on 06 November 2012

My 7 year old daughter had this at the weekend and is almost better bar a little bit of sneezing. It was like a scene from the exorcist for the first few hours.

I started with it today, and am feeling almost entirely hollowed out. The constant diahorrea is easing a little but the aches and shivers a ow horrendous. Glad I managed to avoid actually vomiting though. That would have ended me.

Anyway, just want to point out that the advice about ice lollies is spot on. I couldn't even handle a mouthful of water and was horrendously thirsty. A fruit pastille lolly every couple of hours has been a god send, so thanks to whoever posted that.

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karen1977 said on 04 November 2012

I woke up at 5am Saturday morning with a wave of stomach cramps which was followed by diaroeah and violent vomiting. I returned to my bed and managed to doze off but woke to my partner being sick too! We have three children including a baby and have had to send them to grandparents to prevent them from picking up the bug. Both me and my partner were only sick the once but it was the aches and pains in our bodies that was worse! It was just like having flu! We both had exactly the same symptoms and couldn't physically get out of bed for a day. It seemed to be short lived though as we both feel much better today just tired and no energy.
My little boy was admitted to hospital on the tuesday a few days prior to this and I stayed overnight with him. My partner was there all day too and we wonder if we picked up the bug from there as it was very strange that we had the virus at the same time!

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KirstyC13 said on 31 October 2012

Both my six year old son and I have had this awful virus. My son got it first on Saturday at a kids party. I had a call to say he had thrown up. I went to collect him and by the time I got him to the car he had thrown up again. The next 6 hours he threw up every 20 mins, had a temperature, stomach cramps, aching legs and a couple of doses of diarrhea. He managed to sleep all night and was fine the next day except a few twinges in his stomach and loss of apetite.
I sprayed every surface with Dettol, washed his and my hands continuously in the vain hope that I wouldn't get it.
Monday morning it was my turn but with me it was all liquid guts - nice eh? At one stage it felt like I never got off the loo. Such pain. No energy, severe dizzy spells with black spots infront of my eyes, aching bones and waves of hot and cold fever. I actually thought I would end up in hospital! A bit dramatic you might think but I have never felt as ill as I did on Monday and I have had Noravirus a couple of times before but I think this is a particularly bad strain this year.
Yesterday and today are a 1000 times better than Monday but I still have stomach cramps, haven't been able to eat and am very tired and weak. My son hasn't been sick since Sat but has still got stomach ache today (Wed). I'm really hoping tomorrow we will be ok to venture out into the real world again - so utterly boing being at home all day everyday!

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JenShadow said on 29 October 2012

The norovirus started on Friday with feeling bloated & tender, then I suddenly felt dizzy and this 'wave' come over me... yup, nausea. I then had very violent vomiting for 2 days and horrendous diahrroea for most of that time. I think I got 4 hours sleep in about 48 hours, you can't think, can't rest, can't watch tv - it dominates your body, with really bad chills and sweats. Worst few days of my life.
I had the same virus 2 years ago - but I wasn't on immune suppressant drugs then, and this time it was much much worse. I must take 10+ medications a day and I couldn't keep them down. If this is you, please bear this in mind! In the end, I screamed for help, & NHS direct and the on call GP were superb.
Don't be frightened to shout for help, especially if you live alone.... good recommendations for recovery: tinned pears are great for rehydration, probiotic yoghurts also replace some of the damage. It is scary, you do think you're going to die and you think it'll never end, but it does... if this is you too, hang on in there.

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Death valley said on 11 October 2012

OK...well it's morning after the nightmare night of vomiting, then once my body had realised it had run out of that decided to use all my reserves of bile...painful, awful, deathly shivery sweats, uncomprehensible to those watching my writhing body on the bathroom floor...not my nicest or indeed my proudest memory......managed to get some sleep and woke up feeling like it was a bad nightmare only to be reminded with a nauseous feeling followed by an uncontrollable sprint to stick my head down the u bend again...

I have washed everything, just worried about my elderly dad Who is 81.
Am now a zomboid....incapable of moving...The smell of food is like kryptonite as is daytime tv ( so no change there then!) Can't drink water so am now feeling like a prune.

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AdrianDerby said on 29 September 2012

I caught this virus at the beginning on the week, woke up projectile vomiting at 3.30am and didn't stop for 2 days, then the diarrhoea started as the vomiting stopped. 72 hrs of sleepless nights sweating, aching, pain like nothing I've ever had before. It's now Saturday, 5 days later I'm not in as much pain, I'm sleeping 5 hours a night but the diarrhoea is still there, water simply goes through me and I'm back on the toilet for 20 mins. I've forced Anti-diarrhoea tablets down me and Diralyte Natural, the most disgusting liquid I've ever tasted, but with all fluids coming out, i thought it's best to try and put some of my body salts and minerals back into my body. I still haven't eaten for 5 days, but I'm hoping the worst is over.

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User712024 said on 15 September 2012

On day 4 of what assume is Norovirus. Onset was rapid, within 2 hours of going to bed, awful abdominal pain, projectile vomiting and explosive water diarrhoea.

I am on immunosurpressant therapy for systemic Lupus and Hughes Sydrome, and take a myriad of drugs to control this.

I cannot remember ever feeling as ill as this, yes the vomiting has subsided, diarrhoea not so, and I have been passing blood, some frank, some which looks older.

Am exhausted, no appetite, but I am keeping myself hydrated with Dioralyte rehydration sachets. Stomach is bloated, uncomfortable, and have had some serious dizzy spels.

I will be phoning my GP on Monday for advice, I have not left the house, as I know this spreads like wildfire.

Have read other comments here, and this seems like a very agressive strain.


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South_Coast said on 03 September 2012

Those who have mentioned still feeling dizzy/spaced out over 2 weeks later, how long did it take for your symptoms to subside and did you take any medication? I had vomiting and diarrhoea 15 days ago and am still not feeling right. I am a breastfeeding mother and hence there is not much medication i can take. I was wondering if my body if finding it harder to fight off because i am breastfeeding. The vomiting and diarrhoea was the worst i have ever experienced, accompanied with sweats and chills and stomach cramps and bloating. I also had migraines in the week after which i've never had before. Now my tummy still isn't right but my main concern is this dizzy feeling. Fortunately my baby has not caught it but i am stuck inside and trying to care for my baby with this ongoing dizziness.

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charlieyankie said on 26 August 2012

Great information. The best way of protecting yourself from norovirus is to wash your hands. Any surface can harbour the viral particles meaning it can be transferred onto your hands and then into your mouth without even coming into contact wwith the infected person.

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sas238 said on 01 August 2012

Second time this year! Wife and kids had this at the weekend, thought I'd got away with it, started tuesday afternoon, bloated feeling, rapidly followed by dizziness, watering mouth and excruciating stomach cramps, the sickness and diareha came together, 5 or 6 hours of feeling l like death, chills and aches all night, settled down, then started all again, morning after don't feel too bad, just wiped out and dizzy. Wife had same symptoms but alot more spread out, obviously I'm just being a wimpy bloke as usual! Is it possible to get the same thing with such vastly different degrees of symtoms?

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Eastie said on 26 July 2012

Found Davebluez' comment very amusing!

I'm here because I have gastroenteritis - It started off on Saturday the 14th July and, although I have stopped vomiting now, I can't eat anything more than cream crackers or dry cereal without having terrible runs for several hours. Also I have painful cramps in my intestine area and for the half the day I have heartburn and acid reflux.

I just wondered if this was a particularly bad strain of Norovirus - as I expected to be better now. In fact, I had to go to the Doctor on Friday last week as I was worried it was something else. But he confirmed it was gastroenteritis.

Has anyone else been ill for this long with it? It's been 12 days now for me.. Cheers (sorry for the moan...)

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davebluez said on 01 July 2012

Hey folks, just wanted to reassure anyone who is searching this site for info because they think they are dying (as I did) that this awful virus will pass, and, for most, sooner than you can imagine, considering just how terribly ill this makes you feel.

This virus totally removed me from the land of the living for around 36 hours. I couldn't eat (didn't want to) couldn't keep the slightest sip of water down, and my battered body felt like my parachute had failed to open. And my testicles..., for the men out there, it felt like a giant had booted them up inside me (you know that feeling!) and that awful nauseating testicle pain stayed that way for 36 hours, along with the fever - massive burning sweaty highs to instant shivering lows - the constant joint aching, dizziness, totally spun out, vomiting, the runs.

One of the frustrating things for me (other than that fun stuff above) was that at no point during the 36 hours (all awake, by the way) could I focus on watching or reading anything by way of distraction, it just made me feel more ill, it's like this egotistical virus wants you to think only of it and nothing else.

Anyway, my point in writing this is to let you you know that it's now around 60 hours after I felt the full force of Evil Dr. Noro and I'm feeling so much better. Still a little light-headed, and maybe just a little punch-drunk, but nothing negative, no feeling ill, no nausea, all the bad stuff has just disappeared as if it was all a nasty dream. To the point where I almost feel a bit fraudulent claiming how terribly ill I was feeling - it's almost like it didn't happen!

So, there you go. Take heart you poor sufferers! It's absolutely God-awful to experience, but it will be over for most of you before you know it.

Hey, and your skin will feel better after all that sweating, plus you'll have dropped a few pounds. Can't be all that bad, really, right?

Right! :)

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shezzy123 said on 27 June 2012

I woke up friday with a doggy tummy and thought no more about it then friday nite the diarreah started and the odd vomiting and the awful pains in my stomach and back its now wedensday and im still the same ive not ate since friday morning and what fluids am having are running straight through me :'( worse ive felt in all my life hardly slept a wink to just hope it hurrys up and goes as my 4 yr old daughter is bored of staying in :'( xxx

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chelseababe352 said on 24 June 2012

I was hit by what sounds like this 15 days ago, i was fine then it hit me never felt so ill before, but 15 days later it still isn't totally gone, my tummy still don't feel right, im not eating normal and I'm always so tired , this is nasty my daughter has it too not good

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Lorikeet said on 07 June 2012

I'm now into my sixth day of suffering from what the doctor diagnosed as Norovirus when I struggled to the emergency clinic a couple of days ago. Tried eating some plain food yesterday and all was well for a short while, then I spent the next hour writhing in agony on the bathroom floor, before emptying my stomach and enduring a nasty bout of diarrhoea.
I had Norovirus in 2008 and it only lasted a couple of days. So either the diagnosis is wrong or this latest strain of the germ is far more virulent. It would have been great if the symptoms lasted 24 to 48 hours, but as things are I can't imagine ever feeling well again. Hang in there fellow sufferers - I will if you will.

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kay90 said on 05 June 2012

After reading all the comments on here I thought I'd share my story and also ask for any advice. I am currently going through this awful virus. Started on thursday i felt very hot then cold, same on friday. On the saturday I had diarrhoea, had to get medical help as nearly fainted, after 2 paracetamol and a drink of water felt ok.. until that night, i felt very cold and couldn't stop shaking, i then went to the toilet and was violently sick, this lasted for 24 hours, once the bile was up i took pepto-bismal which cured the sickness.. then the diarrhoea started again. its now Tuesday and i have had diarrhoea 19 times everyday, no food is staying in and i have lost 8 pounds :( Went to the hospital and was told i was in need of sachet's that help hydrate and have pills for the pain these work however still having the chronic stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Going on holiday on saturday and would really like to be free from this nightmare. can anyone please help ? also any tips on what food can help, tried the bread, brown rice and bananas?

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MyCod74 said on 30 May 2012

Omg. I'm 6 day's in with this nasty little it from my sister. Started feeling dizzy after dinner on Thursday, went and lay down and about 15 minutes later started to vomit and that continued until Saturday when the diarrhoea kicked in. Its now Wednesday and the vomiting and diarrhoea have eased but still get the headaches and feel quite weak with no motivation or energy. Been drinking plenty Dyoralite that i got from my GP and that helped a great deal with the dehydration. Still feel terrible in the mornings when i wake up,

Never been sooo ill in my life!...never again.

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Sreeni_V said on 25 May 2012

I suddenly felt dizziness and after 15 minutes again and strated vomiting non -stop and almost faited. has to rush to A&E , where they said it is stomach bug. my dizziness hasnt gone , but it reduced a lot. for the first week, my wife had to help me to walk.
after that I met out of hours GP and she said dizziness is due to inner ear inflammation due to virus and she gave stemitil tablets.
after a week I met my usual GP and he said it is BPPV . I dont know whom to beleive and he hasnt referred me to ENT specalist. any advise pleaes.

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ssumner125 said on 15 May 2012

Could someone please advise me if you can have all the other symptoms of Norovirus but not the vomiting.

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Mosey1 said on 03 May 2012

I started vomiting on Saturday night and five days on I am still struggeling to hold down water. On Monday the diarrhoea came as a nice surprise, however, thankfully it is now starting to improve. I've no longer got the terrible stomach cramps but I feel so weak and thirsty and all my muscles ache.

I don't think I've ever felt so ill in my whole 30 years! Can't wait until this passes!

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NANNYOFTHREE said on 29 April 2012

This is a very nasty virus,it started on thursday night, all night i was up and down to the bathroom, being sick and having diarrhoea at the same time is very upsetting for anyone, the sharp pains in my stomach were very bad,friday i was in bed all day could not face food,saturday managed to keep a banana down, taken paracetamol for the aches and pains which have helped a little. been indoors since thursday,now its sunday and feeling a lot better,now feeling guilty because i have passed it on to my family,but what is really upsetting me is not being able to see my grandchildren.
Can anyone advise me when it will be safe for my grandchildren to come and visit? Thank you.

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cavillas said on 14 April 2012

Just a word of caution, if you are in kidney failure and you get norovirus then report it at once to your renal clinic, stop taking enapril. Norovirus can have a devestating effect and lead to further degredation of the kidneys in such patients.

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eroomja1 said on 27 March 2012

This advice is not good! - If your symptoms persist do not visit your GP - you will pass it on to everyone you might come into contact with there! - telephone your GP and get advice and if they need to see you they will arrange for you to come in when the surgery is quiet and use a room away from other patients.

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kelliedee said on 22 March 2012

This has been quite possibly the worst i have felt in years! Started with a temperature and fever, vomiting throughout monday night unable to sleep tossing and turning in pain. Slept through tuesday with trips to the loo inbetween sips of water. Have had no appetite and no desire to eat a thing. Wednesday and thursday have been filled with the most terrible, severe stomach cramps i have ever known! They feel like shooting, stabbing pains that go all around my front and back, coming and going every fifteen minutes to half an hour. Still coping with diarreoha and cramps after three days solid! Just wishing these pains would go away soon!! what an awful bug this is! Xx

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Peony111 said on 12 March 2012

The runny stuff seems to have gone but now I feel as if I am drunk. I was taken ill on Thursday. I have had the electrolyte drinks and I am now eating but I just feel so awful when I stand up. Anyone else get this?

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michelle0199 said on 09 March 2012

My mum was taken into hospital with pain in her back. They do not know what it is yet. Since she has been in she has got worse. She has been vomiting constantly and has got diareah. She has had this for 2 days and it seems to be getting worse. They haven,t told her what it is. So I,ve just looked on the internet now and it says think twice before you visit because notovirus is circulating in the hospital. I am hoping it is this. I think they should have told her because she is worrying herself sick not knowing what it is. She just thinks she,s getting worse and worse.

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creepy13 said on 08 March 2012

A huge thank you to everyone who shared their personal norovirus horror stories. My elderly mother & I are both down with it as are half our family. I came across this site by chance & am so glad i did. Lots of helpful advice & I am feeling less isolated (being shut indoors with a "NOROVIRUS" warning on the frontdoor is pretty depressing)
Get Well wishes to all fellow suffers

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Mad MC said on 03 March 2012

My 4yr old son came back from reception with a newsletter saying Norovirus was going around the school,
The very next day I recieved a phone call to collect him he had been sick, and has'nt stopped he can't even keep water down he's gone from grey/pale looking sucken eyes to very bright red high tempreture, he's life less and won't touch food it's been 48hrs the diarrera as stopped but the sickness continues this is awful to see,
in between taking care I am constantley cleaning and bleaching hope the rest of the family don't catch this,

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samy123 said on 28 February 2012

my son is 9 years old he got a virus from a girl he sits next to in class and when he got a home on friday he started having a temparture, vomiting, tummy ache with alot op pain and diareyah, after 3 days i took him to the GP and that asked have you ate something thats making your stomach hurt, dring plenty of water, eat alot of soups and stews and he gave him a prescription of paracetamal but after another 3 days he started getting dizzey a sour-throat and a head ache so then i took him to Newham Hospital and thanks to them they told me its a virus and and they said if it is still there for 10 days maximum then they have to go back to his GP and then my 2 other children got it and they started with coughing so i guess now we now how it works since they have expirienced it.

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samy123 said on 28 February 2012

Im realy upset with this sickness because my son has it, he got it from a girl in his class. After he came back from school on friday, the next day he had the sickness, it is very apauling he started having a tempreture, vomiting, headache, sore-throat, tummy ache, then all the diareya came 5 days later and it started getting worst and then tummy ache a head ache and cough and he still has it and is affecting my to other children, my daughter and my other son.

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snoozy68 said on 28 February 2012

This virus just sneaks up on you! I was half-way through giving a piano lesson on Thursday evening when I suddenly started to feel sick. I almost had to literally push the child out of the door at 7pm before rushing to the toilet to be sick. 24 hours of hell then started. I've learnt some clever tricks for dealing with sickness and diarrhoea when they come at the same time! Not pleasant. Anyway reading some of these posts, I think I got away quite lightly. Felt much better by Saturday lunch-time and able to face food again. Family have fortunately managed to avoid catching it too.

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lou girl 98 said on 27 February 2012

Everyone in my house has this awful virus at the moment, my 3 year old came down with this Saturday he was fine in himself then all of a sudden sickness and diareah, his sickness has gone but still has an upset tummy. My little girl same thing started yesterday, she just wants to stay in bed. They don't want to eat but are drinking plenty. Me and my partner on the other hand seem to be really suffering, early hours this morning my partner started to be sick followed by diareah every half and hour is was coming from one end or the other, he feels like he can't even get out of bed and feels really light headed. I then woke up his morning felt fine then watery mouth and sudden dash to the toilet being sick, I feel so weak and can't keep the smallest of water down! Did speak to doc but like they say u just need to ride it out, I haven't felt this ill in a long time and feel sorry for every1thas has had it or gets it.

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Karnelle said on 24 February 2012

My mother had to go to bed early on Sunday night with an uncomfortable tummy and it was making strange noises. However Monday and Tuesday we went to work as normal thinking little of the tummy pain. On arriving home on the Tuesday my mother was in agony with her stomach (sharp pain) since then she has vomited but that lasted one night. she also has severe diarrhea and has to go (35-40 in 2 and a half days - which is no mean feat as our bathroom is downstairs). she struggles to regulate her temperature and has a headache. (the diarrhea came on first)
I began to feel the symptoms at the same time as my mother and I am sure i have this infection but my symptoms are different to that of my mothers. I have the sharp stomach pain, my stomach also makes very odd gurgling noises, I cannot regulate my temperature very well, I have a headache, my arms and legs ache, my eyes burn and i often rush to the toilet. However I have no sickness or diarrhea, when i go to the toilet nothing happens.
We have both had this infection for 4 days now and it is still here. We are drinking plenty of water and only eating soup and a boiled egg on toast so far.
I feel for anyone who has the Norovirus as we have both (like many others) have not felt so drained and ill for a long time - years even. Get well soon to everyone who has this illness!!

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amytinkerbell said on 22 February 2012

i have been having diarrhoea for the last 2-3days and now on wednesday i am feeling very sick but i dont know when i will be sick. i am eating fine but i suggest to stay away from dairy foods like milk. yogurt is fine.
i have been to the toillet today but hant had a poo which i think is improving my chance of getting better soon i have an headache so i suggest to only take par _s e t a m o l since the doctor can do nothin about it.
i found out if you take a nice hot bath with no bubbles if you have sensitive skin like me. with some music that you like preferably soothing music. relaxes you.
making you feel better. after that watch a flm with some water or a nice hot drink or some water if having a hot drink try and use only a small ammount of milk. i slept well for the first time in a couple of days without having to rush down to the toillet evry 10 minutes. just try it because now i am going to do this everynight until i get better mabe not so much the hot drink bit though. also do alot of exersise this helps alot i was on the kinect with my family doin kinect adventures and kinect sports. which involves jumping moving around alot this is streching you mucels so your feeling okay and so you ca sleep later on because yoiu will probably be tierd after all that stretching :)
i hope everyone gets better and me ofcourse
regards for reading.

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Silvertabbi said on 14 February 2012

Thank you to all the other people who posted comments at least I know what hit me on Sunday, diarohhea and vomiting every 15-20 minutes for 12 hours, I've never felt so ill and now it's Tuesday - must have slept most of Monday between taking sips of water. I managed to crawl downstairs a couple of times yesterday to feed the cat and so far this morning managed to drink a mug of lemon tea, but can't face food. Does anyone know how long it lasts?I feel very weak and need to sit down every few minutes.

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roo7 said on 07 February 2012

i had been to visit an ill friend on sat afternoon and felt fine until monday at 2.30 am when i woke with my stomach grumbling and soon had to make a quick dash to the loo where i was violently sick. i was up and down until 1.30pm that afternoon with sickness and diarrhoea every half an hour,it was awful. i felt hot and dizzy and my legs ached so much i couldnt sleep. i sipped water between dashes to keep hydrated and by 1.30pm the sickness has stoped so took paracetamol for my head and legs so i could sleep but woke up during the night very sweatyToday i feel really weak even trying to climb the stairs was such an effort,but ive had toast and a yogurt so im hopefully on the mend. i have never felt so ill in years.

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sas238 said on 06 February 2012

Our two year old started with this on thursday night after being sick in bed, no loose stools until sunday, she has no appetite and only wants to drink, my wife started on friday night with an upset stomach which progressed to sickness within 2 hours, she is 7 months pregnant and has been advised to take rehydration powders, I started with a watery mouth on sunday evening after dinner, within an hour I had it coming out of both ends and ended up passed out on the bathroom floor, spent all monday in bed so far with a gurgling stomach and very loose bowel, I've resorted to my hangover cure of cold fizzy coke, this is making me feel loads better.
I suppose the jist of this is 3 people in the same house, same symptoms but varied intensities of each symptom, I feel for anyone whos had this as this is the worst I've felt through illness in years.

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bookgeek83 said on 26 January 2012

I caught this from a friend. The incubation period was about 24 hours. My first symptom was bloatedness and stomach ache just before bed. Went to sleep, but woke an hour later feeling hot and sweaty and immediately started with diarrhoea, which was fairly violent and came every half hour for around 10 hours. During that time I was also sick once, but nothing too horrendous. Once the diarrhoea had subsided a little, I had a headache and body aches and pains. I really wanted to sleep but couldn't get comfortable. After 24 more hours of this (with occasional diarrhoea) symptoms pretty much subsided. SInce then I've had no appetite and am really struggling to eat. I'd recommend drinking fizzy drinks or ice water slowly whilst ill, then VERY SLOWLY re-introducing bland food such as dry toast, potato and chips into your diet until you're completely recovered. I'm obsessively washing my hands and cleaning everything in sight and so far my partner hasn't succumbed. If you get this, keep yourself hydrated and sleep as much as possible. In my case it wasn't too traumatic.

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bookgeek83 said on 26 January 2012

I caught this from a friend a few days ago. Incubation period was about 24 hours. I started with diarrhoea around midnight on Sunday, which lasted for 12 hours. The diarrhoea was my worst symptom - I only vomited once, and once I had emptied my stomach I felt quite a lot better. I took a day off work, then went back the following day but couldn't eat. My stomach was making some very interesting noises in meetings, but there was no more diarrhoea so it was bearable. I still don't really have an appetite though. I'd recommend slowly drinking fizzy drinks (lemon and lime or coke worked for me), ice-cold water, and VERY SLOWLY introducing foods like dry toast, chips and potato back into your diet until you've fully recovered. I also slept for 12 hours last night and feel almost back to normal now, except for the lack of appetite. I can eat, I just have to force myself to do it. Make sure you wash your hands a lot if you get this - I've been obsessively cleaning everything I touch and my partner has gone through a bottle of hand sanitizer already!

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girlie88 said on 25 January 2012

Day 3 and still in pain! woke up Monday with bad tummy cramps and that was it vomiting everywhere, then within a couple of hours I couldn’t control both ends! I have stopped being sick but still upset stomach! my body aches all over and my diaphragm area is in agony. I have lost all appetite and am even struggling to drink water, I tried an omelette last night but that unfortunately hasn’t stayed in. I am hoping this feeling will go away soon as I am in sooo much pain :(

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MattyB123 said on 05 January 2012

In addition to everything else...the force of the vomiting has also caused me to tear the muscles controlling my diaphragm. This leads to even more pain in the chest than there is in my abdomen. I've had this dire virus for 5 days now. Keep up the fluids and don't stray too far from the bathroom! Get well soon.

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lynndel1 said on 03 January 2012

I started vomiting on boxing day then water diaherra ,pains like flu headache temp,now day 8 still dont feel good constant burping bowel no longer like water but still yellow !! My husband caught it 2 days later and he is still feeling rubbish ,we have been eating but the constant indegestion pain and burping is driving us mad ,kept away from my grandchildren for a week as my grandson has type 1 diabetes and is 12 and he would end up in hospital ,how long does this go on for ??? never had anything as bad as this .Wishing you all well x

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xtwinklex said on 03 January 2012

My partner and I both contracted this virus and began to display symptoms yesterday. His was mainly projectile vomiting but I had a few bouts of vomiting coupled with uncontrollable diarrhoea. We are both sweating and aching this morning and I have a nasty headache, probably due to dehydration. I had this virus two years ago and was constantly ill for 9 days, in which time I lost over a stone in weight! I phoned the doctor on day 7 and she suggested drinking pro-biotic yoghurt in order to put some good bacteria back into my system to help fight the infection. Within 48 hrs of trying it I began to feel better, and so this time we are both sticking to yoghurt and water and hopefully will start to feel better much sooner this time! If you can get it to go through without being sick then I definitely recommend it! Get well soon everyone!

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suzsi said on 02 January 2012

My son came home from work with this virus and I quickly picked it up within 24 hours. Starting with stomach pains and then vomiting and followed within a few hours with sever diarrhoea (like water). The vomiting then stopped but diarrhoea continued for 3 days, I took rehydration drinks but couldn't eat anything at all.After 3 days I was so weak I could hardly walk and became worried. I contacted my anti-coagulant nurse as I am on Warfarin and I had to get someone to take me for a blood test which showed my blood was dangerously thin with a 9.6 INR reading! This was by now xmas eve so I was allowed to go home without and have complete rest, take no warfarin and try and eat until after xmas. They would normally have administered Vitamin K to reverse the thin blood and hospitalise, I had a lucky escape and appear to have come through without any internal bleeding. This has been a warning to me, I assumed by being sick and having an upset stomach my medication effect would be lost but it actually did the reverse the Warfarin was absorbed into my blood stream as there was no food to counter balance it and therefore bacem dangerous. Please bear this in mind if you are on other medication.

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Juliet Shakespeare said on 28 December 2011

Just now I had to go home shortly before a nightshift in hospital due to symptoms. I find this video helpful and therapeutic.

Yes. It just happens mine was 30 minutes before work. I am now taking some OTC over the counter antisickness meds which I initially took with small water and piece of dry craker,

Wish I bought an antispamodic as well for the cramps though... thanks to the kind lady by the pharmacy til for the tablets/suggestions.

I wish myself and All of You with same symptoms a speedy recovery and this video will help a lot of people. Cheers

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howsaboutit said on 26 December 2011

I started to feel nauseous late on christmas eve, went to visit a family member and suddenly vomitted at their house. I needed a carrier bag to get home in the car as it was that bad. It was projectile and I cant believe the amount of fluid I brought up, It seemed to come from nowhere. This went on throughout the night. I also had a fever felt hot and cold and very restless. Attempted to take paracetamol with sips of water but brought everything back. Christmas day morning I started with water like stools, Which just sounded like i was passing urine. This went on for the majority of the day, I remained in bed for the whole day between vomitting feeling very weak, sweating perfusely aching from head to toe. I have not had any further episodes of watery stools or vomitting since christmas day night but I still feel nauseous and had an upset stomach and not really wanting to eat anything and my body still aches. I have also lost my voice but not sure if this is due to all the wreching and vomitting or Iv now got laryngitis?
Anyway I wouldnt wish this on anyone its been a lonely isolated christmas for me with lost of pain and distress.

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Chris9183 said on 23 December 2011

A very irresponsible woman came to work and worked her full shift, every single day while she was sick with this norovirus, throwing up and all. Needless to say I got it quickly from this stupid, careless woman and the worst of it went away after 3 days, however I'm on day 6 now and still have a bit of nausea and stomach acid up in my throat.

I was lucky and didn't vomit, however my stomach pains were so terrible that I tried to make myself vomit multiple times hoping it would make the pain subside, but it only made things worse and all I did was dry heave and scratch my throat all up. This is definitely a nasty bug. Despite not vomiting, I was bedridden for 2 days straight with severe stomach pains and nausea.

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kitty_77 said on 22 December 2011

Saturday 17th Dec, I started to get stomach pains that grew in intensity until I was sick, I spent the next two days vomiting with chills and fevers and the persistant stomach cramps. I couldn't even keep water down and realised I had wee'd for a all that time? No appetite, but no diarrohea (thank god) After 4 days I managed to see my GP, who prescribed Lanzaprozole (Gastro resisitant tabs for ulcers) and Prochlorperazine 5mg (anti vomit tabs) which has calmed the symptoms down. It's day 6. I still have a burning sensation in my throat and stomach (probably from all the vomiting) but the chills and sickness has gone. Can't get out of bed for long as so weak and tired. I havn't managed to eat food since saturday without triggering the sickness, so introduce the food slowly. I have got Dioralyte (black currant) and dextrose tabets for hydration and energy which I recommend to soothe and fruit ice lollies.
This is a nasty virus and so take good care of yourself xxxx

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edwithmj said on 22 December 2011

Got a nasty headache on Monday, took some painkillers but it came back on Tuesday really badly. Came back again on Wednesday and felt really bloated and sick. Vomited from midnight till 10am. Constantly woken up with it and felt dehydrated but kept vomiting the water up again. Finally got into bed at 10:30 and woke up a little better with just a bit of mild diarrhoea. I have a fever now and achy joints but vomiting has stopped. Haven't eaten much though but drunk plenty of water. Horrible disease.

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Katpin said on 22 December 2011

I started off with a headache when I woke up, took paras and was fine. Early afternoon I felt like I was coming now with a cold- by 4.30pm I had excruciating stomach pain and felt like I was going to be sick, from this point on had constant diarrhoea and vomiting for 7 hours. Felt so weak I couldn't move off the bathroom floor, fluctuated between fever and chills. Haven't been able to eat much since, still have diarrhoea but no vomiting and still quite weak after 41 hours

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DeeDub1978 said on 21 December 2011

I started feeling a little peculiar after a night out with work (Christmas festivities) however when waking up on Sunday morning it felt a little different to the usual Christmas hangover. I had lot of acid reflux and dull stomach cramps but fortunately I did managed to avoid vomiting. I didn't feel hungry so kept drinking water all day and managed to eat a Sunday roast in the evening although didn't feel like a lot (definitely not me as I'm the sort of person who will finish everyone else's plate!). On Monday the dullness in my stomach started to increase and later that evening the diarrhoea started. It's now Wednesday afternoon and I'm lay in bed with the en-suite bathroom door at the ready. I'm going to drink fluids and when I feel hungry I'll try some soup but I have to admit it's very uncomfortable. I'd love to chat but I'm afraid I have to go...

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Aimee1992 said on 21 December 2011

I woke up yesterday morning around 6.00am with the worst stomach pains ever, I knew i was going to be heading to the toilet soon enough and I was right! From 6.10am till 8pm last night I was been sick every hour sometimes even every half hour, I'm 19 and I only weigh 6stone 9lbs which made me feel even worse as I felt so weak and helpless, I don't know how my body coped with all the sickness as just been sick was making me ache even more! I woke up this morning feel a bit better I haven't been sick anymore , I just ache and feel very weak! Right on top of Christmas to what a lovely time to catch such an awful illness! I think this illness should be advertised more especially in winter as it really is a horrid thing to have!

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rymbald said on 21 December 2011

To be honest Im not at all surprised this nasty virus spreads so easily, just observe the number of people who use public toilets and dont wash their hands after, and this is more so amongst the upper age bands. This article is very good and the video very informative, but more publicity is needed in relation to this virus, maybe a public health campaign?

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ebuk said on 20 December 2011

I can't remember ever feeling so ill. On Sunday I woke up with terrible stomach pains. I vomited on and off all day. In the evening tI rang my doctors' on call service to ask there was anything else I could do as I had taken gaviscon in the morning then moved on to Lanzaprozole in the afternoon to try to get rid of the acid reflux. They told me to go to A and E in case it was my heard. Having read other peoples comments I now realise this is part of the virus and fell awful that I might have passed this on to anyone waiting in A and E. By Monday the vomiting had stopped but I then had diarrhoea all day. The aching and temperature made me realise that this was more than the effect of eating something that hadn't agreed with me. When my sister suggested Norovirus it was so helpful to see the details on this site and make sense of what was happening to me. I am now on day 3 and feeling incredibly week and wobbly but the excruciating stomach pains are much improved and I have managed to keep in some mint tea and lucozade this morning. The thought of shopping for Christmas food is still beyond me!!
I think there should be more publicity about this illness in surgeries, chemists etc. not only to help people to know what is happening to them but also to make them more careful about taking precautions to prevent them passing it on to others.

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ill guy said on 18 December 2011

Well i got the symptoms all in one so to speak . I was OK yesterday ( Saturday) . It was in the middle of the night my symptoms came on. Woke up with acid reflux then suddenly realized i felt sick and my stomach was churning . so i made a dash for the bathroom and made it .After i made it to the bathroom all hell broke loose from both ends . Very tricky to do at the same time as i have learnt . Its Sunday night now and iv still got aches and pains in my limbs , i feel sick when i get out of bed but don't actually be sick . iv been drinking plenty of fluids and taken some medicine called Imodium to stop diarrhoea . iv taken two tablets and its kept the diarrhoea at bay for now . I just hope none of my family catch it . Hopefully i feel a little better tomorrow . Remember to wash your hands everyone . Good look .

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HJB1972 said on 18 December 2011

I had been out for tea and thought I had eaten too much. All night my stomach didn't feel right. I had lots of stomach cramps. I took Gaviscon tablets which helped a bit. In the morning I woke up and began being sick (which I rarely do) and had diarrhoea. I then had to go back to bed as I felt so ill, having to get up to be sick and go to the toilet. I also had terrible aches and pains all over and felt very cold then felt hot with a severe headache This really is a nasty bug. Both my parents got it the next day. I now have a very bad cold. I am drinking lots of water and had some rehydration sachets. I do not wish this illness on anyone. I have not felt so ill in my life!!!! I am also 5 months pregnant so was very worried!

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bmth13 said on 09 December 2011

Ah ok, I think I have this :( I had a takeaway Tuesday night and started feeling sick about 20 minutes later. I thought I had eaten too much but within the hour I was vomiting and had diarrhoea. I thought as it was just 'a dodgy curry' it would ease within 24 hours, and the vomiting etc did, but it's now Friday afternoon and I still feel very bloated, with occasional stomach cramps, nausea, lack of appetite and I'm feeling very weak still. I don't feel too bad if I'm lying down but as soon as I move I feel sick again. I wish I'd seen this page earlier as I am now worried I might have infected others.

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tess256 said on 18 November 2011

I had this virus very bad. I started vomiting on a Monday afternoon this lasted off and on for about 6 hours. I didnt have much diarrhoea luckily. I thought this would be the worst of it but I was very wrong! I had agonizing stomach cramps, constant nausea 24/7, Fever, Swollen stomach, Aches and pains. I drank water only for the first 24hrs. On Wednesday I rang the Doctor who said it it was probably Gastroenteritis and that I should start to feel better soon. By Thursday i was still no better and had not been out of bed since Monday, Everytime i moved i wanted to throw up, I had constant acid indigestion that no amount of gaviscon would touch. I couldnt even walk in a straight line. By this point i was so fed up i got an emergency app with a doctor, I burst into tears when i saw him which is not me at all. He tested my urine which was fine, no dehydration, he prescribed me some anti sickness pills called 'Omeprazole', they didnt work straight away but by Friday i was able to get out of bed and felt like a new person. No one could of prepared me for the amount of acid indigestion i had during this time it lasted 24/7 .

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paul nb said on 07 November 2011

I developed norovirus like symptoms on a thursday lunchtime but only vomited once once (I lost my lunch by teatime!). But the diarrhoea was very frequent in the 1st 36 hours and I still have bouts of it 5 days later. I'm really looking forward to having normal bodily functions!!!

Is 5 days unusual as the website says 2 days is more normal?

A really uncomfortable illness to have.

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carrie47 said on 20 October 2011

Symptoms started on Sunday at around 4 am. Vomited every hour or so until evening. Read somewhere that honey sometimes helps so tried Manuka honey (only type I had in the cupboard) and joy of joys stopped vomiting. Very thirsty and drank loads. Grandchildren hardly suffered at all with this, just some of the adults. Now feeling washed out. This is my 4th day of the illness but think I might be alright tomorrow.

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anne53 said on 07 August 2011

Just recovering from a bout of Norovirus. Had been to Paris for a long weekend last week with 3 others. First victim felt ill on the plane home and vomited all the way back in the car. I started the day after with the projectile vomitting and diarrhoea.Also had muscle pain, headache and extreme fatigue (slept all the way to Holland on the ferry). Forced myself to eat crackers and gradually the diarrhoea has gone. My cousin (victim 3), started with diarrhoea on friday. She took Gaviscon tablets to stop nausea. They seemed to help. Her husband, who wasn't on the trip, got it too but she had to call the doctor for him this morning. He was given an injection for the nausea because he uses an immunosuppressant for lung fibrosis. Worst week ever!!

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jspring said on 26 February 2011

I've had this hideous bug for over 2 days now and still feel weak as a kitten. It's comforting to read all the other comments - at least it makes one feel less alone. The worst of the diarrhoea seems to be subsiding gradually but still feel sick as a parrot, achy and completely feeble. As an NHS employee I won't be in work on Monday as I dread giving this to anyone else. Right now sleep seems to be the most comfortable option, if you can find it.

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toxshock74 said on 22 December 2010

My partner started vomiting on Saturday 18th Dec and myself and our 15th month old started on the Tuesday. Strangely all of us started in the small hours. The vomiting stopped within half a day, but it was accompanied by flu like symptoms which were very painful. Unable to eat and drinking just water and squash was difficult. It's now Wednesday evening, the pain has stopped now also, just feeling washed out. The symptoms in our daughter were very mild, she was only sick once and kept her energy, thankfully.

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LottieP1980 said on 20 December 2010

I have this at the moment and this website is very useful so that I don't go to the doctors. I awoke very early on Friday morning and was soon sick and had diarrhoea. I was sick around 8 times along with diarrhoea for around 9 hours. I ached all over and now on Monday I still feel icky, not eating much at all and feeling weak. I am also now feeling very bloated and uncomfortable - which I was worried about until I saw this web page and realised it is just one of the symptoms. I hope I don't pass it onto my 15 month!

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Tallstoo said on 10 December 2010

This video and page of info was really helpful. Thank you.
My mum-in-law returned from hospital with Norovirus (late diagnosis after leaving) on Tuesday, by Wednesday night I had caught it. Felt a litle rough going to bed, woke in middle of the night, up 3 times to go to loo, couldn't sleep, stomach gurgling, nausea, bloated belly. By morning I was dizzy, sick and ached all over, found it difficult to walk, thumping headache, could not face any food.
Drank only very hot water (boiled) for a full 30 hours + paracetamol x 2 every 4 hours.
That helped a lot.
Now on day 2-3 feel sick, tried a little food but can't stomach much. Stools almost normal.
I would have gone back to work too early and infected others if I hadn't read this.
Greatly reassured by this website info.

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curleytop said on 08 May 2010

I had severe vomiting, spent the rest of the day in bed, went back to work the next day feeling weak but OK and the following morning had diarrhoea so stayed off work. Felt better but not 100% but went back to work the last 2 days. Today I have quite bad stomach pains which I am hoping will go away as the day goes on. I'm not feeling sick and am eating a little, but am slightly concerned that it's going on for too long. It's the weekend so no doctors handy. I'll keep my fingers crossed it gets better. Is there anything I can get from the chemist in the meantime?

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ColemanP said on 02 April 2010

I have just had what I think was norovirus, vomitting, bloated stomach, loss of appetite. This is the second time I have had it in 6 weeks and I have been hospitalised on both occasions. I also have diabetes and think that makes me more susceptible. The 1st time at the hospital I was just told it was a 24hr bug. The 2nd time they just said gastric problems.. The NHS video was very informative, it's just a pity I wasn't told more about what it actually was and how to attempt to prevent it recurring.

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benn121 said on 30 March 2010

This page was really useful for me, I had the virus last week (8 days ago) and I returned back to work feeling better. However I am still feeling nausea and a slight headache. Is the virus still in my system? I don’t have any other symptoms at all

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xoshellyox said on 21 March 2010

my antie had Norovirus for a couple of days then she died would this of coursed her to die? as my 2 year old has got it.

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Bubblegumgirlxx said on 20 February 2010

If anyone could help me on this, it would be great. I was round my aunts house today and she has got the norovirus and so has my cousin. I didnt touch them and didnt go in their toilet and i washed my hands as soon as i left. I have a major phobia of vomiting and was just wondering if anyone knew whether i will be likely to catch the virus or not??

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Caspar said on 08 February 2010

Hi HeyHey,
thanks for your feedback, we have now amended the transcript.

Kind regards

Caspar @ NHS Choices

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HeyHey said on 18 January 2010

The speaker at 01.15 mentions oral rehydration salts but the subtitles state oral dehydration salts. Just a bit of editing of the subtitles needed there in case of confusion.

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redkite said on 28 December 2009

The video was first class. I have a chronic lung condition and I'm always concerned about any illness. It was heartening to know that my approach to dealing with the illness was exactly right. As it was Christmas night - it was not a good time to call a doctor which my husband wanted to do! I am recovering well and building back up slowly. So well done NHS! Thank you!

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Mike Stanley said on 21 July 2009

The video explaining the symptoms and solutions for the Norovirus is excellent. The original diagnosis, hence a name was however given us by a public health official over the phone which then led me to look, via Google, at this NHS choices web page. The problem is of course getting the name in the first place in order to get a clearer idea of what might be the cause of our illness.

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