Drinking and alcohol

What's in a unit?

We're supposed to be keeping an eye on how much we drink, but how many of us really know what a unit of alcohol is?

Track your drinking

Use NHS Choices interactive tools to calculate alcohol units, assess your drinking levels and track your drinking over time.

Tips on cutting down

Practical tips on how you can reduce your alcohol intake and the associated health benefits.

Calories in alcohol

Is your drinking making you fat? Find out how many calories are in your drink and get tips on avoiding weight gain.

Hangover cures

Sensible drinking is the best way to avoid a hangover, but if it's too late for that then these tips may help.

The risks of drinking too much

You don't have to be an alcoholic to risk damaging your health. Regularly drinking just above recommended levels can be harmful.

Patrick Greene

'My drinks diary shock'

Patrick Greene kept a drinks diary and was shocked to see how much he was drinking every day.

Alcohol support

Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first step to getting better, but it is often the hardest one.

Binge drinking

A drink-by-drink guide to the effects of binge drinking on your mind and body.

'Vodka nearly killed me'

After drinking a litre of vodka with her friends to celebrate the end of term, Anna started slipping into a coma.

'Social drinking': the hidden risks

'Social drinkers' may be causing just as much harm to their health as binge drinkers and alcoholics.

'My wife's an alcoholic': a carer's story

David has cared for his wife since she became an alcoholic more than 20 years ago.

Caring for an alcoholic

Advice and support if you're caring for an alcoholic, including getting help and looking after yourself.

'I used to drink all day'

George Budge knew he had to get help when he realised he was drinking all day, every day.

'I was an alcoholic mother'

Journalist Niki Shisler got help for her alcoholism when she realised she was no longer capable of taking care of her son.

'I got cirrhosis at 34'

After years of drinking too much, Andy Ball was diagnosed with the liver disease cirrhosis.


Alcohol unit calculator

Use this alcohol unit calculator to find out how many units there are in a single drink or in a number of drinks

Alcohol unit calculator

Cut down on alcohol

Don't let drink sneak up on you

Read our tips and advice for cutting down on alcohol, without cutting it out

Alcohol, myths and the media

Can lager help you live longer? Can wine help you lose weight? We take a sober look at the media’s claims about alcohol, and what the science actually says

Drinks diary

How much are you drinking? Keep a drinks diary for a week to find out.

Video: cirrhosis Phil's story

Phil has cirrhosis of the liver because of his alcohol intake. In this video he talks about why he was shocked to discover he had cirrhosis because he considered his drinking habits to be normal.

Alcohol and drugs in pregnancy

How alcohol and drugs, including herbal, homeopathic and aromatherapy remedies, can affect the health of you and your unborn baby.