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Feeling stressed, anxious or depressed? The NHS Choices Moodzone can help you on your way to feeling better

Pregnancy and baby

All you need to know about pregnancy, birth and looking after a baby, including feeding and trying to get pregnant

Vaccination guide

Information on childhood vaccinations, vaccinations for teenagers and adults, and travel vaccines

NHS Health Check

Learn more about the NHS Health Check for adults in England between 40 and 74

Carers Direct

Need advice on looking after an ill or disabled relative? Find tips and practical information on the Carers Direct site, or on 0808 802 0202.

Long-term conditions

Living with a long-term condition, including healthcare, medicines and support

Worried about the latest health scare?

Behind the Headlines can help you sort fact from fiction on the latest health scares and miracle cures in the media

Symptom checker

If you have a health problem, our symptom checker can help you manage it or decide where to go for help


Take a LifeCheck

A few moments spent now could add years to your life

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Sign up for pregnancy and baby emails

Get weekly pregnancy and baby emails, linking to articles and over 100 videos of experts, mums and dads