Babies and parents videos

Advice you can trust

Your pregnancy

The Pregnancy and baby guide has 200 pages packed with information on pregnancy and babies, plus easy-to-use drop-down menus to help you find the articles you're looking for. From taking a pregnancy test to coping with toddler tantrums, this guide offers everything you need to know about having a healthy pregnancy and looking after your baby, including what to eat (and what not to eat), midwife checks, scans, labour, birth and beyond. 

Make a birth plan

A birth plan is a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. You can go to the birth plan page to print out a blank birth plan to discuss with your midwife and fill in by hand, or to fill in a birth plan online, save it and print it out. You can also find out about all the things to think about, including where you'd like to give birth, pain relief options, and your baby after the birth.

Free information service for parents

Sign up to receive weekly emails with links to over 100 baby videos, featuring experts giving advice and real mums and dads sharing their experiences and tips on how to cope. You'll also get information on pregnancy and looking after a baby, covering all the key topics from coping with morning sickness to getting your baby to sleep. You can sign up whether you're pregnant, a dad-to-be, or a new parent.

Feeding your baby

Whether you're pregnant or already have your baby, this guide has all you need to know about breastfeeding and bottle feeding. We have videos, information, advice, and real stories to help guide you through breastfeeding your little one, such as how to get started and overcoming problems. Plus, you'll find practical tips on feeding when out and about, expressing your breast milk and the key things to know when feeding your baby using bottles. 

Work out your due date

Use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when you can expect your baby to arrive

Get personalised parenting advice

Use the parenting tool to get the advice and information you need to help you with bringing up your child

Check your child's development

Use the development timeline to see how your child will develop, and when their vaccinations and health checks are due