TV highlights for 2012, ahem…

TV highlights for 2012, ahem…

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“We’re as mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore.”

“We’re as mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore.”

… the defining moment in a culmination of events which led me to walk away completely from the expectations of this imaginary world we take for being real.

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Happy New Year: Dos & Don’ts

Happy New Year: Dos & Don’ts

So, here we are. It’s the end of 2011 and the start of 2012. The question is, how will we all spend our New Years Eve to make it a happy one? Irregular Joe has some tips

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Terra Nova? Terrible Nova? The debate is ON!

Terra Nova? Terrible Nova? The debate is ON!

It’s Andy. He’s angry. He wants the head of Brannon Braga. Terra Nova … apparently it’s no Firefly, Stargate Universe, Battlestar Galactica, Lost or even Doctor Who!

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The pursuit of happiness

The pursuit of happiness

Mark Williams writes about London, suicide, and the difficulties many young men are facing in this thoughtful piece.

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HIP HOP: Shout Out & Warm Welcome to RKZ

HIP HOP: Shout Out & Warm Welcome to RKZ

New CALM boy on the block “RKZ” talks about CALM, the new forces within Hip Hop and why the USA better watch out!

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CALM London

CALM London

You’ve seen the billboards, read about it in the Big Issue, Metro and Standard, heard us talk on LBC news. CALM is now live in London…

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A Problem Shared

A Problem Shared

John Brownhill shares his experience to highlight to people that the best option is to speak out when life becomes too much.

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Console Yourself

Console Yourself

Ditch the 17″ monitor, lay back on your couch, beer in hand, and watch your digital video library on your big fat HD telly …

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