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About The China Post
Taiwan's leading English-language newspaper


Founded in 1952 by Mr. and Mrs. Y.P. Huang, The China Post has been Taiwan's leading English-language daily newspaper in readership, reaching over 400,000 unique readers through print and online media.

The China Post provides comprehensive news coverage of the latest events in Taiwan and from around the world. With our 24-hour newswire network and team of seasoned journalists, The China Post delivers the latest breaking news and information with persistent accuracy and objectivity.


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 Monday China
Focus Entertainment & Celebrities
 Tuesday Style and Luxury
 Wednesday Formosan Escapades (Taiwan Travel)
 Thursday In Good Taste (Restaurant and Food Reviews)
 Friday Prime Time - Taiwan entertainment guide and highlights with extended movie reviews.
 Saturday Weekend Book Review

International Travel
Foreign Community


■ The Sunday Post
The Sunday Post is the weekly Sunday edition of The China Post, featuring comics and a two-page bilingual supplement for advanced ESL (English as Second Language) students.

■ The Bilingual Student Post
The Student Post is Taiwan's first weekly bilingual newspaper. Designed for intermediate level ESL (English as a Second Language) students, the Bilingual Student Post is used by high school teachers as a key supplementary English teaching publication. The Student Post is the most up-to-date English-learning publication in Taiwan, covering news, entertainment, and lifestyle features. The Bilingual Student Post is also available online ( with free MP3 downloads on selected articles.
Visit Student Post


■ English Writing

■ Newspaper Reading

■ Presentation Skills

For information on classes, please call (02) 2596-9971, ext.651.


■ The Wall Street Journal Asia (WSJA)
A strategic partnership was formed in 1997 between Dow Jones & Company and The China Post. The China Post holds the exclusive printing and distribution rights to the WSJA in Taiwan.

(For subscription and other inquiries, please call (02) 2596-9971, ext.632.)

■ Asia News Network (ANN)
The China Post is Taiwan’s representative in Asia’s largest newspaper alliance, which includes 17 member countries. Each country is represented by the top English-language newspaper.

Job opportunities at THE CHINA POST

Local News Reporter
- Near-native English writing skills
- Near-native Chinese comprehension skills
- Professional journalism experience preferred but not
- Taiwanese I.D. or ARC with eligibility to work required

Local Desk Editor
- At least five years of experience as editor and/or reporter with
  a major English-language newspaper or news agency
- Proficient in reading and speaking Mandarin - Familiar with
  Taiwan business and politics

If you would like to join our team, please email your resume and a brief letter highlighting your interests to:
Fax: 886-2-2595-2010
Mail: The China Post, Human Resources Dept., 8 Fu Shun Street, Taipei, Taiwan 104

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