Weekly News
Fear of infection 對感染的恐懼
Chinese AIDS patients fight hospital rejections
December 3 - December 7, 2012
World 國際World 國際 2Local 國內Local 國內 2Life 生活
Wang Pinghe wants the tumor in his liver removed before it becomes life-threatening. But the 28-year-old Chinese villager knows it will be hard to find a hospital that will do the operation — because he has AIDS. In China,...
王平和(音譯)希望能在他肝臟裡頭的腫瘤危及他的生命之前將它切除,但這名廿八歲的中國村民知道很難找到一家醫院做這手術,原因是他罹患了愛滋病。 在中國,醫...
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