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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Enforcement Reports


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We received your feedback and have used your comments to improve the appearance and features of the new Enforcement Report format.   Users now have four different ways to retrieve FDA's recall information:  Product View, Event View, Print-Friendly View and Download CSV.  The Product View will now be displayed when you first enter the report.  This view displays the product description for each recalled product up front.  The Print-Friendly view provides all the recall information on one page allowing users to more easily cut and paste information relevant to their needs.  The browser back button has been fixed so that users are returned to the page they were viewing.  For information about how to navigate the report and for definitions of the report labels, please visit our Enforcement Report Navigation and Definitions page.  Please continue to e-mail us at webmail@oc.fda.gov with your comments. 

As part of FDA’s efforts to the increase the transparency of its compliance and enforcement data, the Enforcement Report offers downloadable recall data for analyses while also providing savings and encouraging future innovation for Government. This data-driven report provides FDA a baseline as it moves forward in its efforts to integrate the Agency’s compliance and enforcement data. 

FDA is conducting two pilot programs to expedite notifications of Non-Blood (HCT/P, Vaccine, Derivative, etc) product recalls and human drug product recalls to the public. We have created the Human Drug Product Recalls Pending Classification page (also available by selecting the "Pending" report tab) and the Non-Blood Product On-Going Recalls page to provide users with information until we include it in the new weekly Enforcement Report Format.  



