Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died

RIP, Mercy. You might have been too cute for your own good. :( posted

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died
Whitney Jefferson

Kim updated her blog tonight with the sad news — and an admission that she had actually given the cat away weeks ago after she found out she was allergic to it:

It is with deep sadness that I have to tell you all that my kitten, Mercy, has passed away. My heart is completely broken.

When I first got Mercy, I had never lived with a cat before and so I had no idea that I was allergic. I thought that it might pass, but after a few weeks I decided to go visit two separate allergists, one of whom said my allergies wouldn’t get any better unless I started taking injections. I had fallen SO in love with Mercy that I wanted to try everything I could to keep her, but I didn’t think it was safe to resort to injections, and it wasn’t fair on Mercy, because I couldn’t play with her or give her as much attention as I wanted to. Mercy deserved a mom who could really give her the time and affection she deserved. I knew that Sydney, Khloe’s assistant, who had recently lost a cat she had loved and cared for for 17 years, would be the perfect mom for Mercy and Sydney was so excited to have Mercy as her own!

Sydney gave Mercy a loving home, but after a couple of weeks Mercy got really sick and Sydney had to rush her to the vet. They discovered she had a stomach problem that we weren’t aware of. Poor little Mercy died the very next day. It broke not only my heart that little Mercy died at only four months old, but Sydney’s too.

Mercy was a gentle and loving kitten and we are all going to miss her so much. Thanks to Sydney for making Mercy’s short life one filled with love. RIP Mercy Xo

And now a few photos of the adorable little kitten:


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    3 Responses So Far

    • The Angry Luddite   Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died  a few minutes ago
    • agh   Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died and thinks it’s OMG  a few minutes ago
    • Cates Holderness
      a half hour ago

      ugh i don't even have an appropriate reaction gif for this so i'm just going with shocked and offended John Barrowman.

    • kerih3
      a half hour ago

      Those are the sort of things that happen when you buy animals from expensive breeders… They come from puppy/kitten mills… They have terrible problems. It's unbelievably sad… But happens all the time, people need to educate themselves… And puppy and kitten mills need to be OUTLAWED.

    • Vanessa D.   Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died  about a half hour ago
    • Kristiana Barr thinks Kim Kardashian's Kitten Has Died is OMG  about a half hour ago
    • r0xmyface0ff   Kim Kardashian's Kitten Died  about a half hour ago
    • katiep5   Kim Kardashian's Kitten Died  about a half hour ago
    • roocha
      a half hour ago

      This actually makes me legitimately sad….why??? Maybe because Mercy had a hard life living as a Kardashian cat, clearly hating her life, and finally when she escaped she died. SO TRAGIC ;(

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