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Embassy sections

The Economic/Commercial Section

The Political/Econ-Commercial Section of the Embassy covers a broad range of issues regarding Mongolia's macro-economy and economic development, as well as promoting expanded commercial relations between our two countries.

The Political Unit promotes policy objectives of the United States and analyzes and reports on political and social developments in Mongolia.  The section also provides political and policy coordination between the governments of Mongolia and United States, assists with targeting funds and developing policy proposals that originate in Washington, and evaluates the impact of U.S. policies and programs on the bilateral relationship.  The principal goal of the Political Section is to ensure that the U.S. and Mongolia enjoy a close and cooperative political relationship.

The Political Unit coordinates the Embassy’s submission of congressionally mandated reports, including:

The Economic Unit concentrates on the full spectrum of policy issues, ranging from banking and finance to agriculture, labor, aviation, environment, and health.

Embassy staff work closely with Mongolian government officials to advocate for U.S. economic and commercial interests, to track Mongolia's policy directions and goals, and to report on developments in this important area. The E/C Section has also worked closely with other Mission elements, including the U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S. Department of the Treasury, to support direct technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance and to the Central Bank of Mongolia.

The Commercial Unit concentrates on supporting U.S. exports to Mongolia, as well as bilateral U.S.-Mongolia trade in general. This includes assessing Mongolia's climate as a foreign investment destination, organizing delegations for trade fairs promoting U.S. products and services, and working closely with Mongolian public and private officials to enhance their understanding of U.S. business needs and interests. The Unit concentrates heavily on Mongolia's key mining sector, but also devotes considerable attention to other key commercial sectors such as agriculture, construction, and services.

Trade and Commerce