810 Authorization

Part 810-refers to the process set forth in 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 810. Under the authority of section 57.b of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and in accordance with established procedures, only the Secretary of Energy may authorize, through the Part 810 process, persons to engage, directly or indirectly, in the production of special nuclear material outside the United States. This provision applies to technology transfers and technical assistance to all activities of the nuclear fuel-cycle, including non-power reactors.

The first step in determining whether a company needs a license/authorization in order to engage in international civil nuclear trade is to consult with the appropriate U.S. Government agencies (listed below) prior to engaging in business overseas or with foreign nationals.

Sometimes the tender process does not require the transmission of business proprietary or export-controlled information, in which case a company does not need to seek a Part 810 authorization prior to bidding. The only way to be certain, however, is again to consult first with the appropriate U.S. Government agencies.

In some instances companies may seek a license/authorization before submitting a bid, so as not to run the risk of licensing issues arising after having already won a contract.

Lead Agency: Department of Energy

Jurisdiction: Nuclear technology and services (as information) related to the production of Special Nuclear Material

Advisory Agencies: Departments of Commerce, Defense, State, and the NRC

Click the 810 authorization letter link for instructions on writing the letter: 810 Authorization Letter.