Environmental and Clean Technologies
Upcoming Trade Missions

  • Water and Wastewater Industry Trade Mission to Australia
    September 12-15, 2011 – Sydney, Brisbane, & Melbourne
    To help U.S. firms leverage opportunities in Australia, a senior-level Department official will lead this trade mission to Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. This trade mission is designed to provide a key opportunity for U.S. suppliers of water and wastewater treatment equipment and services to explore the Australian market.
    For more information, contact John Kanawati
  • Morocco and Algeria Trade Mission
    October 25-29, 2011
    This trade mission visits Morocco with an option to Algeria. The Morocco trade mission fee of $2500 includes exhibit booth in the U.S. Pavilion at Pollutec Maroc; Exhibitor registration and badge access to all events; 2-days of Gold Key individual meetings with pre-qualified buyers; 2-days of individual interpreter services; Arabic/French translation of your 1-page company description; Country market briefing by the U.S. Commercial Service; High-level networking reception with pre-qualified attendees; Group discount at Hyatt Hotel; Background research on each of the countries in the region; Attendance at workshops & webinars before and after the mission; Financial assistance available to qualified SMEs that participate in the trade mission and trade show.
    For more information, contact Julia Rauner.

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Trade Mission program is an opportunity provided by the Department of Commerce – in conjunction with our domestic and international field offices to increase U.S. exports and to expand U.S. private industry participation in overseas markets. Commercial staff from the U.S. Embassy/Consulate will arrange one-on-one meetings and networking events to initiate those who participate to the local business climate in a more personalized fashion.