Wednesday, September 24, 2014. Last Update: Wed 2:45 PM EST

Politics & Policy


Beat transfers prompt new labor questions at The Plain Dealer

After union grievance is settled, move of courts beats sparks concern in parts of the newsroom

DETROIT, MI — Labor disputes linger around the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Scarcely had Advance Publications, the paper’s owner, resolved a grievance brought... More


Reporting on healthcare when it’s politically hot or not

There’s more to the beat than the politics of Obamacare—see the Tampa Bay Times, The Record, and the Kearney Hub

How should reporters cover healthcare when the Affordable Care Act is no longer a hot political story? It's an essential... More


More cops are wearing body cams. When will the footage be a public record?

In Colorado, the decision will be up to local police departments

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Police departments across Colorado, like their counterparts around the country, are rapidly embracing the use of... More


The New York Times exposes surprise medical bills

The latest article in Elisabeth Rosenthal’s standout series may be the best installment yet

Elisabeth Rosenthal deserves a CJR laurel for her Sunday New York Times article, the latest installment in her “Paying... More


How comics journalism brings stories to life

Chicago’s Illustrated Press is at the forefront of a burgeoning movement

Darryl Holliday and E.N. Rodriguez of the Illustrated Press, at work. (Illustration by E.N. Rodriguez. Used with permission.) CHICAGO, IL... More


Investigative reporting is ‘still a very white male business’

How the Online News Association and The Georgia News Lab are working to diversify journalism

MIAMI, FL -- Can an innovative college-professional news collaborative, with a $35,000 grant in hand, "change the pipeline for investigative... More


Why were Massachusetts reporters slow to probe the health exchange meltdown?

Q&A with a Boston IT expert who pieced together the story in a 31,000-word ‘Autopsy Report’

As Massachusetts goes, so goes the nation--at least when it comes to healthcare. In 2009 and 2010, in the midst... More


The Reporters Committee is about to start suing people to help journalists

Katie Townsend joins the organization as its first litigation director

Fair warning, all ye who interfere with newsgathering: The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is getting ready to... More


How a Nebraska newspaper kicked off a major prison sentencing scandal

The Omaha World-Herald found that hundreds of inmates were being released early

PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS — “Had the World-Herald not broken the story, nothing would have happened.” So said Nebraska state Sen.... More


Texas reporters fight for access, public records

New strategies for legal battles may be necessary to reflect the changing media landscape

AUSTIN, TX — Over the summer months, Texas became a hothouse of media access issues surrounding some high profile stories—from... More


Columbus Dispatch lets down readers by unpublishing story

The paper should have offered a clearer explanation—and it should set clear standards

DETROIT, MI — Each day, editors across the country make choices about what news is “fit to print.” But what... More


Florida newspaper exposes sweet deal for state politicians

The Tampa Bay Times’ clever public records reporting confirms pols’ secret hunting trips with sugar industry insiders

MIAMI, FL -- The Tampa Bay Times has been rolling out an impressive expose of secret hunting trips to Texas... More


Why California’s smartphone ‘kill switch’ law should concern journalists

An antitheft measure creates the risk that the government could interfere with newsgathering

Imagine this. You’re a journalist covering a street protest, and the local police chief doesn’t like the photos you’re tweeting... More


‘Mediscare’ claims persist. Does calling them ‘debunked’ suffice?

A humble suggestion for reporters covering a recycled Medicare campaign claim

Well, what do you know. Republicans are trying their luck yet again with campaign ads telling voters that the Dems... More


How civic hackers are helping local journalism

In Chicago, the practice goes back long before “open data” became a buzzword

CHICAGO, IL — Last year, when Chicago Public Schools released a list of 129 schools slated for possible closure, the... More

Alessandra Stanley’s troubling history of error

Why one editor won’t run any more op-eds by the Heritage Foundation’s top economist - A reply to Paul Krugman on state taxes and job growth made some incorrect claims

Is ISIS a faith-based terrorist group? - Journalists and scholars disagree about how much Islam, rather than politics and power, drives Muslim extremists

The Reporters Committee is about to start suing people to help journalists - Katie Townsend joins the organization as its first litigation director

On media freedom, United Nations plays by its own rules - Months of international crises raises the stakes for reporting on the UN, but investigative journalists remain without a right to information

White House reportedly demands pool report changes (WaPo)

“Journalists who cover the White House say Obama’s press aides have demanded — and received — changes in press-pool reports before the reports have been disseminated to other journalists”

Female sportscasters are speaking up (NYT)

“[i]n the wake of the recent scandals, women have been driving the story, providing a perspective that their male counterparts simply cannot”

Adviser of high school paper that refused to use ‘Redskins’ suspended (Student Press Law Center)

“Amid a months-long battle with administrators for editorial control … the Playwickian’s faculty adviser was suspended for two days this week”

Apple’s ‘warrant canary’ disappears (GigaOm)

Apple included language in its first Transparency Report to say that it had not been subject to a Section 215 Patriot Act request. That language is now gone.


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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