Archive for August, 2005

Stray Shots

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005


Usually when I do one of these posts with a whole bunch of different stories, I call it ‘Random Shit’. I don’t really like that title cuz it’s boring and sounds stupid and I just made up one day. So I’m trying to figure out a new name but I’m kinda stuck. I’m trying out ‘Stray Shots’, cuz that sounds better than ‘Random Shit’, but I’m not really sure that’s the one I’m gonna run with. If any of you smartasses out there have a good idea, post it in the comments. If I like it and decide to use it, you will win a nice, brand new, burned copy of the Tony Yayo album. Nah Let me stop, you won’t win shit. 

Game was thrown out of the Magic Fashion convention in Vegas. At first it was claimed that the organizers feared a retaliation on Game for the shooting of Sugar Bear Knight this past weekend.  Today the organizers stated that Game was denied entry because his security had burners with them. 

You may have heard that last week, 50 filed a lawsuit against a car dealership in Philly for using his image in an ad without permission. At the time I dismissed this as another petty move by a dude who needs to get over himself. I mean what is 50 worth now, like a zillion dollars? Why can’t he let the little guys eat too? But then today I hear that Snoop is also suing the same dealership for using his image 3 days after the 50 lawsuit was filed!? Now I say these idiots are just asking for it, sue they’re asses.

Scott Storch is fucking with Paris Hilton? I thought she was engaged? Whore.

Kanye is suing some DJ from Chi Town to stop the release of some of his old material.  Alotta suing going around this month huh. I’m also hearing that for Kanyeezy to even recoup the cost of making Late Registration, he’s gonna need to move 2.7 million copies. Shit man. I don’t doubt he can or will, but that’s alot of units. The word is the album was way over budget, and Ye said it’s basically a gift to the Fans. Yeah aight nigga, we can just imagine how much you’re making off that Pepsi add they ran like 27 times during  the VMA’s. 


50 Cent, Toughguy

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005


So the word is that after Joey Crills made his little comment at the VMA’s, 50 tried to rush the stage but was restrained by security. I’d like to see the footage of that, but you know MTV, they want to act all grown up and "we don’t condone violence" and shit. Here is some footage of the comment if you haven’t seen it. I do know that I heard alot of colorful language flying around as Joe was giving Diddy dap and leaving the stage. I came across this interesting video that is allegedly Fat Joe being rushed out of the awards. It’s hard to tell but I’m not co-signing that one just yet.

In other VMA related news, Police have no idea who shot Suge, and nobody knows nothing.  

Fat Joe, Comedian

Sunday, August 28th, 2005


"I’d just like to say how safe I feel with all of this Police presence courtesy of G-Unit." 

-Joe just now on the VMA’s. That’s a funny guy.  

Game tries to sabotage Yayo’s sales

Sunday, August 28th, 2005


The Game is trying to kill Tony Yayo’s sales and I love how he’s doing it. He is asking fans to go to the store on Yayo’s release date, August 30th, and cop The Documentary again. If you cop it, you can then send it to Game and he’ll send it back autographed and with a copy of his new mixtape Ghost Unit (Life after 300 Bars). I fuckin love it. I’m not about to do it but that’s great.

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to hear a message from Game about it.

Continue reading this post…

Suge Knight shot in Miami

Sunday, August 28th, 2005



So Suge went and got himself popped early this morning in Miami. Reports are saying that the Death Row boss was shot in the Red Room of Club Shore where Kanye West was throwing a party for the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards. People who were there are saying Six shots were fired but Suge only took one in the leg and is supposedly in good condition. Most of the reports I’ve read say that no suspects have been arrested, but if you look here, there are pictures of a man in a pink shirt being led from the club in handcuffs. The story at AHH mentions that police were looking for a man in a pink shirt. Something smells a little fishy here, but I don’t know what. I don’t think anybody is all that surprised that Suge caught a hot one, and it seems to me like the shooter was trying to send a message rather than kill him. I mean Suge is a big motherfucker, so I think you’d have to really try to not him somewhere more damaging. Hurricane Game, who had a confrontation with Suge not to long ago, was reportedly in the building at the time of the shooting.

Ecko Block Party Pics

Thursday, August 25th, 2005


As promised here are the pics from the Ecko Getting Up Block Party that went down yesterday on 22nd street in Manahattan. I got there kinda late, around 6:00, and everybody was mostly done with their pieces but it was still popping. I don’t think I ever saw so many writers in one place at one time, man it was crazy. Graf was getting all types of love from the kids and adults as well. I mean there were grown ass white chicks walking around getting Blackbooks signed and shit! Soome of the writers in attendance were COPE2, CES, WANE, WEN, TKID, IZ the WIZ, DASH and MIN. Judging by the tags on the COPE car, they’re were alot of other kings there who weren’t piecing. If you look close you’ll see tags from JEW, MED, IVORY, and even whiteboy CAP! If you know anything about Style Wars, you know who CAP is and how crazy it was for him to be there.

There was all sorts of dickriding going on so it was hard to really talk to them but they were being cool as fuck and vibing with all the fans.  I mean these are dudes that I’ve seen in videos and magazines for years and, are pretty much repsonible for graf being what it is today. They had barricades like 5 feet behind the trains so the writers had space to work, but the crowds were all pushed up against them and it was tough to really get good flicks cuz of the amount of people. I ran into FENS and INSANE repping YO, shout out to them and FSV. These pics are mad big ‘cuz they’re really high resolution, so if your on dial up, good luck.

Click here for the pics.

Click here to download them all in a rar file

Kiss Your Ass Goodbye Remix

Thursday, August 25th, 2005


Behold the Kiss Your Ass Goodbye Remix feat. Kiss, Beanie Sigel, and Fabolous. Fire. It cuts off towards the end of Kiss’ verse, but sorry, this is the best copy I can find.  Courtesy of

Kiss Your Ass Goodbye Remix Update:

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a good copy that doesn’t cut off. Now that I’ve listened to this a few times, it’s crazy but it seems like Beanie is taking shots at Jay (or the Roc), while Kiss is talking about signing to them! Listen for yourself.

And here’s a little snippet of the Sheek interview over at AHH right now. There were rumors of a return to Bad Boy, then Roc-A-Fella, what is the state of The Lox?

Sheek Louch: Right now, we’re in negotiations. Right now, Jay-Z’s trying to buy the Lox from Interscope. He’s trying to get the Styles Project, ‘Kiss project, the Lox as a group. My stuff is over at D-Block besides the Lox, so he’s trying to get that. So I think that’s almost in closing, we’re gonna make that happen. So the lineup is my album in September, a D-Block compilation coming for Christmas, J-Hood is coming in February. Once everything is said and done with the Lox deal, that’s when we’ll hit the streets with it. It’s called Live, Suffer, Celebrate, the new Lox album. 


Random Shit

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

Aight so that Kanye leaked sometime last Thursday and I’ve been building on it for a few days. This shit is nuts but I don’t think the world of 2005 Hip Hop  is really ready for it. Critics have already called everything, including a classic, and I predict him to go multi within a couple of weeks the most, but the people who loved College Dropout might be confused by this album.

Peep this fucking video of Kan wilding out on a Radio D.J. in Canada.

I saw this a while back, and I was gonna let it slide, but then I was like naaaaah. Nas see’s UFO’s huh? Come on Nas fans, let’s hear.

Members of G-Unit makes some kid take off his G-Unot shirt.

Go buy Sean Price’s album Monkey Bars right now! Hold

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in the meantime.

Marc Ecko’s Getting Up Block Party

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005


After a whole lot of back and forth between Ecko clothing founder Marc Ecko, City Hall, and fuckface city councilman Peter Vallone, The Getting Up Block Party is gonna happen tomorrow at 12 noon. The Block party is a promotion for Ecko’s new video game, Getting Up – Contents Under Pressure, in which players basically get to bomb trains and walls in a fictional city while uncovering corrupt politicians and city leaders.  Did I mention you get to write Grafitti? Man, I woulda never left my house if this game would have came out like 10 years ago. So basically they planned this big block party on 22nd street which will feature live DJ’s spinning and some of New York’s most legendary writers doing pieces on replicas of NYC trains. Not surprisingly Bloomberg and Vallone had a fit and tried to shutdown the whole party, here are some of their statements:

Vallone: "Holding graffiti demonstrations is like having a demonstration of a thug pickpocketing a wallet or stealing a purse"

Bloomberg: "This is not really art or expression, this is, let’s be honest about what it is: It’s trying to encourage people to do something that’s not in anybody’s interest"

A couple of days later the party permit was revoked by the city and it looked like it was a wrap for the event. Then Marc Ecko stood up and did what many say can’t be done: fight City Hall. Ecko filed a lawsuit against Bloomberg and today a federal judge upheld the permit stating:

"By the same token, presumably, a street performance of ‘Hamlet’ would be tantamount to encouraging revenge murder"

That’s what I’m saying, a pro-graf judge! He even went on to declare the city’s actions as unconstitutional and a threat to the First Amendement.  What’s better than a bunch of graf writers beating the system and getting backed up by a fucking judge! On another note, world famous grafitti writer Cope2 was reportedly jailed on harrasement charges after calling Vallone’s voice mail and cursing him out.  I love it.

So I plan on swing by this little shindig tomorrow with a camera and getting some flix, and if I do, you’ll see ‘em here.


Kanye’s crying ass on the cover of Time

Monday, August 22nd, 2005


With his new album set to drop on August 30th Kanyeezy has gone and got himself the cover of Time Magazine. Not to bad for a pink polo wearing mama’s boy. In the article he talks about how he used to leave label meetings crying ‘cuz nobody had faith in him as a rapper and all that.  Here’s a quote from Dame: 

“Kanye wore a pink shirt with the collar sticking up and Gucci loafers,” said former Roc-A-Fella CEO Damon Dash. "It was obvious we were not from the same place or cut from the same cloth.”