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Question of the Day: Does it make a difference when local governments weigh in on state issues like right to work?


By Brian Wheeler | bwheele1@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 10:10AM
Does it matter to you what local governments have to say about the action in Lansing? Do you think it influences state lawmakers? Full story »
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Cable service needs to up its game - or lose customers to the Internet (Letter)

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By Danielle Favorite | dfavorit@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 10:00AM
The Internet will bring down cable TV providers who are not keeping up. You can go to sites, and watch the same programs cable offers just one time, and move on to other movies.  Full story »

Letter: As jobs are lost, others suffer as well

By Sarah K. Nothelfer | The Saginaw News

December 11, 2012, 9:40AM
Which demonstrates so much of the disaster engulfing America today. So many people are so happy to see other people brought down they fail to notice that as your neighbor is diminished, you are diminished as well.  Full story »

Bronson Park fountain allows valuable discussion without endorsing prejudice (Letter)

Fountain, bronson park, bronson park fountain

By Danielle Favorite | dfavorit@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 9:00AM
It is easy to apply today’s wisdom to yesterday’s ignorance and to feel superior. Who knows how future generations will judge us?  Full story »

Letters: Right to work doesn't work for Michigan

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By The Muskegon Chronicle

December 11, 2012, 8:35AM
I am extremely dismayed by the legislative action taken by our elected officials concerning “right to work.” I call it “right to work for less” because that is exactly what happens in states that implement this language. The average income for these same jobs decreases by $1,600 per year and pension and health care is reduced or in some... Full story »

Ethics and Religion Talk: Jewish, Christian and Muslim views on divorce


By Matt Vande Bunte | mvandebu@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 8:11AM
Rabbi David Krishef and his panel of clergy respond to a reader's question about divorce. Full story »
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A word from the self-promoting CEO of Amalgamated Plaid


By Brad Flory | brad@lifeinplaid.com

December 11, 2012, 8:00AM
When I entered the business, the idea of self-promotion by a newsman was almost unseemly. Now that I am a semi-retired contractor with a "portfolio career," it is almost essential. Full story »

Question of the Day: Where should Muskegon stand on the right to work proposal?

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By Paula Holmes-Greeley | pholmes@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 7:58AM
Today is the big day in Lansing. Thousands of union workers are expected to fill the state capital's streets as lawmakers rush to approve right to work legislation. Many Muskegon County residents are expected to be among them. National TV already has put the state in its spotlight. MLive will have full coverage. You can find what has been... Full story »
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Government should use technology to give control back to public (Letter)

By Danielle Favorite | dfavorit@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 7:00AM
The reasons for my concerns are: the need to return of government to the citizens, the need for transparency in the government and the need for accountability for the legislators. Full story »

'Why now does it seem that every good idea has major criticism and harsh opposition?' (Guest column)

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By Dave Murray | dmurray@mlive.com

December 10, 2012, 7:43PM
Most people have their ideals and agendas set. What I would like to see happen is everybody out there; try to prove what you believe wrong. Play devil’s advocate and make your argument stronger in doing so.  Full story »
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Retired bishop says citizens of faith must oppose unjust right-to-work laws


By Jen Eyer | jeyer@mlive.com

December 10, 2012, 1:27PM
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop of the Detroit archdiocese, advocates peace, justice, and civil rights in the United States. He is a co-author of the 1983 U.S. Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letter, "The Challenge of Peace." He is a founding member and past president of Pax Christi USA, the American Catholic peace movement. He is also a... Full story »

Another View: Retired Catholic bishop says Right-to-Work only helps the powerful and wealthy

Unions protest right to work at Michigan Capitol

By Shannon Murphy | smurphy5@mlive.com

December 10, 2012, 1:20PM
“We firmly oppose organized efforts, such as those regrettably now seen in this country, to break existing unions and prevent workers for organizing.”  Full story »
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John Austin: Governor Snyder putting right wing in driver's seat with right-to-work law

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By Jen Eyer | jeyer@mlive.com

December 10, 2012, 1:08PM
John Austin is president of the state Board of Education. Austin, D-Ann Arbor, was elected in 2000 and re-elected in 2008. He is director of the Michigan Economic Center at Prima Civitas Foundation. By John Austin I am saddened and chagrined that Governor Snyder is giving the keys to the state’s car over to the ideologically driven right wing... Full story »
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