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Alexander Applauds the Unveiling of "In God We Trust"


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, and members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus applauded the unveiling of our national motto, “In God We Trust,” in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC). 

Significant references to our nation’s religious heritage were stripped from the initial design of the Capitol Visitor Center which will welcome thousands of visitors each day.  In addition to the historical inaccuracies, our national motto, “In God We Trust,” was replaced with E Pluribus Unum. 

In 2008, Alexander joined 108 of his colleagues in writing a letter to the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) expressing concerns with the incomplete historical religious content of some materials in the new center.  That October, the Committee on House Administration and the Senate Rules and Administration Committee agreed to correct our national motto and to create a permanent religious history display.

Alexander and other members of the Prayer Caucus advocated to make certain these changes were agreed to before legislation was passed directing the opening of the CVC. H.Con.Res. 131, which Alexander cosponsored, passed the House and Senate in July 2009.  This legislation directed the AOC to engrave the national motto and the Pledge of Allegiance in the Capitol Visitor Center.

This week the “In God We Trust” engraving was completed and the Pledge of Allegiance is slated to be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Alexander said he was proud to stand up with his colleagues on behalf of our nation’s religious heritage.

“Many individuals in Congress and across America were willing to fight for the correct representation of our nation’s rich religious heritage,” said Alexander.  “This positive ending was the direct result of these efforts.

“The United States was founded on these strong principles, and today the thousands of visitors who walk through the CVC will experience a truer depiction of our nation’s story.

“I depend on God’s guidance every day, and I am thankful this reference is now etched in stone for the entire world to see.”

U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, represents the 5th Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee. He is a proud member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus.
