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Remarks on H.R. 2 - Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act

Remarks of Representative Judy Biggert, IL-13
H.R. 2, Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act
January 19, 2011

Mr. Speaker,

I rise today to voice my support for H.R. 2, repealing last year’s misguided health care law. 

Whether it’s dropped coverage, higher costs, or lost jobs – the unintended consequences of the Administration’s plan have piled up.  This law is not salvageable.  We must craft a bipartisan replacement that actually lowers costs and expands access to care -- without raising taxes or slashing Medicare.

Americans want consensus-minded reforms to expand coverage for pre-existing conditions and prevent insurers from imposing unfair caps or canceling policies. 

They want reforms that provide more choice over how to spend their health care dollars, like purchasing health insurance across state lines, and expanded health savings accounts.

And they want common-sense legislation to curb junk lawsuits and stop the costly practice of defensive medicine.

I urge my colleagues to join me in fulfilling the wishes of voters and repealing ObamaCare.  Then we can work together on reforms that will deliver the high-quality, low-cost health care the American people deserve.