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Biggert, Transportation Secretary LaHood Pay a Visit to Argonne Lab: Tour Advanced R&D Facilities to Explore Improvements to America's Transportation System

            Argonne, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today accompanied U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on a tour of his home state’s Argonne National Laboratory.  The Secretary got to visit the transportation research and development facilities where scientists and engineers are working hard to create the latest in automotive and alternative energy technologies.  The tour occurred as Congress looks to reauthorize U.S. transportation programs for another six-year period.
            “Secretary LaHood is a good friend and he understands how important research and development is to making our transportation system more efficient and protecting the environment,” said Biggert, a senior member of the House Science and Technology Committee.  “These facilities at Argonne are perfect examples of how support for federal research can translate into cutting-edge technologies that keep America competitive and improve our lives.”
            “Earth Day this week served as a reminder of our urgent need for a new course on energy in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” said Secretary LaHood.  “With the leadership of the White House, the Department of Transportation will take the aggressive action needed to tackle the climate change threat by shifting away from fossil fuels, improving vehicle technologies, and optimizing the transportation network to reduce fuel-wasting activities like idling in traffic.  Research facilities like Argonne are critical in developing technological solutions for the transportation sector that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and sustainable.”
            Leading the tour was Argonne’s new Director-Designate, Eric Isaacs.  Highlighted on the tour were facilities supported by both the Departments of Energy and Transportation, including the Center for Transportation Research Facilities and the Locomotive Engine Research Facility.  At these buildings and others, Argonne scientists are studying ways to cut engine emissions, reduce traffic congestion in major cities, ease stress on transportation infrastructure, and improve the crashworthiness of vehicles.  They also conduct energy research to improve vehicle efficiency through technologies like advanced plug-in hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells. 
            “Argonne is one of the nation’s foremost centers of energy-related research and development, and we’re all thrilled to have Secretary LaHood come examine it for himself,” said Biggert, who co-chairs the House Research and Development Caucus.  “Advancements they are making today are helping to create tomorrow’s high-tech industries and jobs.  From alternative energy vehicles to traffic modeling through supercomputers, these scientists are doing amazing things to keep America in the lead on transportation.”
            One of the topics under discussion was the future role the Transportation Department will play in funding local research of national importance, and what priorities the Secretary would like to see emphasized in the upcoming reauthorization bill.
            “The Secretary was very supportive, and I look forward to working with him as Congress and this new administration move forward,” said Biggert.

