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Biggert Statement on SCOTUS Health Decision


             Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the Administration’s 2010 health law:

            “With or without the unpopular health mandate, the cost of care continues to rise, and it’s up to Republicans and Democrats alike to work across the aisle on solutions.  I’m disappointed that the Court did not put a stop to the government overreach.  But Washington still has a responsibility to fix polices that are raising costs, hurting job creation, siphoning millions from Medicare, and placing an added layer of bureaucracy between patients and their doctors.   

            “Under the Administration’s law, too many families will lose the plans they have, and small businesses are afraid to hire new employees.  We should go back to work on effective, bipartisan reforms that Democrat leaders ignored, like Association Health Plans for small businesses, allowing consumers to buy insurance across state lines, and medical malpractice reform.  At the same time, we can and should maintain coverage for pre-existing conditions and young adults under 26.”

