Flickr Favorites, in Focus

The Library’s Prints & Photographs Division today is offering a new twist on the Library’s Flickr site in The Commons — a clickable list of favorites from the Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information collections, under the heading “FSA/OWI Favorites.”

There will be 10 “most-requested” photos from these Library collections, including the iconic Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange, four by Walker Evans (here’s Roadside Stand near Birmingham, Alabama) and images by Gordon Parks (Washington, D.C., Government Charwoman) and Marion Wolcott (Jitterbugging in Negro Juke Joint, Saturday evening, outside Clarksdale, Mississippi).

There will also be 14 staff picks for your edification and perusing pleasure, including Chicago, Illinois in the waiting room of the Union Station by Jack Delano, Fiddlin’ Bill Hensley, mountain fiddler, Ashville, North Carolina by Ben Shahn and Soda Jerker, Corpus Christi, Texas by Russell Lee. (The guy is more of an ice-cream flinger, actually, but that wasn’t the job title.)

The Library’s Prints and Photographs Division houses 14 million items, ranging from historical photographs and architectural drawings to advertising labels and posters from all over the world. You can find more than a million pictures among the digitized collections in the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog at the Library of Congress website. You might also enjoy the special presentations of photos that also appear in American Memory and Exhibitions.

For more information or to ask a question about the sets of photos in Flickr, please visit the Prints & Photographs Reading Room homepage.


  1. Shay Thomason
    May 22, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Great collection of new images. Thank you for this LOC.

  2. ClialisBUY
    October 25, 2009 at 12:07 am

    It takes a long time to grow young.
    Pablo Picasso

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