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The Gartner benchmark validated that we were receiving competitive pricing for the service levels we expected. The benchmark was useful in paving the way for our contract extension.
Michael Gold
Director, European Services, Amway (Germany)

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Gartner Consulting

Gartner Consulting provides fact-based consulting services to help our clients use and manage IT to enable business performance.


We bring together Research insight, Benchmarking data, problem-solving methodologies and hands on experience to improve the return on your IT investment.

Understanding: We know the issues you face

  • 80% of the Fortune 500 use Gartner for their key technology initiatives
  • We deliver business value in over 1500 high-impact initiatives a year
  • Every year, we deliver over 5,500 IT cost and performance benchmarks

Capabilities: the data, tools and capabilities to help

  • Gartner solutions address the specific needs of each industry
  • All of our solutions are based on Gartner's extensive Research
  • Every solution makes use of our performance benchmarking data
  • We employ seasoned consultants, with an average of 15 years experience

Experience: we help you deliver tangible results

  • Our clients spend 38% less than their peers for the same workload
  • Gartner Contract Optimization Services help our clients realize hundreds of millions of dollars of real and measured savings annually
  • Our consulting engagements help clients improve performance... and reduce risk

New Case Study

  • Telecom Client Saves €40 Million
  • When a large telecommunications company needed to improve service provider relationships, lower costs and reduce long procurement cycles, Gartner Consulting was called on to help.
  • Learn More