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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Blog Posts
Media Ignores Union Violence: Flashback to Palin’s 2008 ‘Target’ Outrage 1 — Warner Todd Huston
Democrats Prepare Death Blow to Family Farms 8 — Dave Blount
Bible Rewritten to Comply With Homosexual Agenda 47 — Dave Blount
What Makes Anyone Think Liberal Feminists Are Strong? 5 — John Hawkins
This Week In Quotes: December 7 – 13 3 — John Hawkins
Right To Work Laws Empower Employees 27 — William Teach
Steve King Calls Benghazi 10 Times Bigger Than Watergate 143 — William Teach
Hip/hop artist and his legion of morons spew hate at Michelle Malkin 5 — Matt Vespa
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Blog Posts
NewsBusted 12/14/12 0 — Newsbusted
MSNBC: An Unprofessional Excuse for the News 24 — Warner Todd Huston
Hollyweird Proves It Can Still Hit New Lows 4 — Dave Blount
Government Green Energy Leech Calls for Death of Critics 2 — Dave Blount
Violent, Racist Union Thugs Destroy Hot Dog Cart 223 — William Teach
GAO: Federal Government On Unsustainable Long-Term Fiscal Path 2 — William Teach
Mitch McConnell Should Retire Rather Than Risk Becoming The Todd Akin Of The 2014 Election Cycle 3 — John Hawkins
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Blog Posts
Let “progressives” Own the Fiscal Cliff 3 — Michael Fell
Hate Crime Hoaxer Charlie Rogers Found Guilty 1 — Dave Blount
Weekly Standard’s Kristol Throws Up Hands, GOP Should ‘Acquiesce’ to Obama 2 — Warner Todd Huston
Feds Baked Fraud Right Into the Pigford Pie 0 — Dave Blount
Under the Weather 0 — John Hawkins
Team Obama Refuses To Condemn Union Violence Threats In Michigan 111 — William Teach
Babs Boxer (D-Long Fossil Fueled Flights) To Form “Hotcoldwetdry Caucus” 2 — William Teach
The Lonely Position of Neutral 0 — Matt Vespa
In Treatment 0 — Matt Vespa
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