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Clean Vehicles: Scientific Solutions to Cut U.S. Oil Use in Half

We can cut projected U.S. oil consumption in half within the next 20 years.

Clean vehicle and fuel technologies provide the foundation for the practical, realistic Half the Oil savings plan, which would dramatically reduce oil use by boosting vehicle fuel efficiency, increasing the use of clean biofuels, and creating the next generation of advanced vehicles that no longer rely exclusively on oil.

The technology is already here. The benefits of clean vehicle and fuel technologies are being successfully demonstrated on a large scale in locations as diverse as China, Europe, and Brazil.

Now is the time for the United States to invest in these technologies here at home—and adopt smart transportation solutions that build a stronger economy, create new jobs and industries, and save consumers billions of dollars at the gas pump.

We must act now. Our cars and trucks consume more oil than all other sources combined. America's reliance on oil threatens our health, economy, and environment—and the costs and risks will only intensify as oil becomes more difficult and expensive to acquire.

We need strong, forward-thinking leadership decisions that support the growth and development of clean vehicle and fuel technologies—and move the country toward a cleaner, safer transportation future.

Improve Fuel Efficiency

If we burn less gas, we need less oil. Increasing vehicle fuel efficiency offers the single greatest opportunity for reducing our oil consumption.
More on improving fuel efficiency

Invest in Advanced Vehicle Technologies

Hybrid, electric, and fuel cell technologies are increasingly available to consumers and offer long-term solutions to reduce oil use. To demonstrate the potential of these technologies, UCS developed the Model E electric vehicle plans.
More on advanced vehicle technologies

Visit our Hybrid Center for more info on hybrid cars:

Produce Clean Biofuels

Biofuels offer a potential low-carbon, low-pollution alternative to conventional gasoline. Corn-based ethanol currently dominates the market but much better, cleaner alternatives exist, such as cellulosic biofuels made from wood, grass, and even garbage.
More on producing clean biofuels

Clean Up Freight Transportation

Highway freight transportation consumes a prodigious and growing amount of oil—and lagging emissions standards have contributed to a disproportionate share of air pollution from these medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Clean vehicle technology can dramatically increase the fuel efficiency of these vehicles and significantly reduce diesel use and the pollution that it creates. More on freight transportation

You Can Help

  • Encourage your lawmakers to support increased fuel efficiency and global warming emissions standards and invest in clean biofuels and advanced vehicle technology.
    Take action now.
  • Maximize the fuel efficiency of your vehicle by performing regular maintenance and developing fuel-efficient driving habits.  More on improving gas mileage.
  • When it comes time to buy a new vehicle, purchase a fuel-efficient hybrid or other clean vehicle.  Learn more at the UCS Hybrid Center.


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