Human Rights First Human Rights First

2012 Human Rights Summit Agenda

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View Participant Bios | December 4 | December 5

DECEMBER 4, 2012, The Newseum, Knight Conference Center, 8th Floor

Time Panel Participants
8:15 AM Doors open  
8:30 AM

Welcome and Opening Message

Elisa Massimino
President & CEO
Human Rights First

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (by video)

Kenneth R. Feinberg
Feinberg Rozen, LLP


America and the World: Global Attitudes

Jim Clifton
Chairman & CEO, Gallup
10:00 AM

Does the Ascendance of Political Islam Threaten Human Rights?

Robert Kagan
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Zied Ladhari
Member of the Constituent Assembly and of the political bureau of al-Nahdha (Tunisia)

Robin Wright
Journalist, Author, Foreign Policy Analyst

11:15 AM

Rodger Baldwin Medal of Liberty Award Luncheon honoring the Bahrain Center for Human Rights

Senator Dick Durbin

Aryeh Neier
President Emeritus, Open Society Foundations

William D. Zabel
Chair, Human Rights First

Maryam Al Khawaja
Acting President, Bahrain Center for Human Rights

12:45 PM

Big, Important, and Challenging: What should the U.S. do in countries where its human rights promotion policies aren’t working?

Garry Kasparov
Chairman, United Civil Front (Russia)

Steven Clemons
Senior Fellow, New America Foundation and Washington editor at large for The Atlantic

Aitzaz Ahsan
Member of the Pakistani Senate and former president, Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan (Pakistan)

2:15 PM

Can the Arab Spring Be a Human Rights Success Story?

Nadine Wahab
International Advocacy Director, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (Egypt)

Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Human rights and democracy activist, writer and university professor (Egypt)

Michele Dunne
Director, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council

Maryam Al Khawaja
Acting President, Bahrain Center for Human Rights

Dr. Adel Iskander
Adjunct Professor, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the Communication, Culture and Technology program, Georgetown University

3:30 PM

Respect for International Law and U.S. Leadership on Human Rights

Harold Hongju Koh
U.S. Department of State

7:00 PM

Screening of THE HOUSE I LIVE IN
Winner of the Grand Jury Prize
2012 Sundance Film Festival

A film by Eugene Jarecki, from Executive Producers Danny Glover, John Legend, Brad Pitt, and Russell Simmons

Hart Auditorium, Georgetown University Law Center; Post-screening discussion with filmmaker Eugene Jarecki and other guests

RSVP here


DECEMBER 5, 2012, The Newseum, Knight Conference Center, 7th Floor

Time Panel Participants
8:15 AM Doors open  
8:30 AM

Where is the common ground in fixing our broken immigration system?

Video message from former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

Dr. Richard Land
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention

Thomas F. McLarty
President, McLarty Associates

James W. Ziglar
Senior Fellow, Migration Policy Institute and Senior Counsel, Van Ness Feldman

Edward Alden
Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

10:00 AM

Atrocities Prevention: Should halting the world’s worst crimes be at the top of America’s national security agenda?

Ambassador Richard Williamson
Senior Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Michael Abramowitz
Director of the Committee on Conscience
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Ambassador Nancy E. Soderberg
President, Connect U.S. Fund

11:00 AM

Keynote Address

Senator John McCain

11:30 PM

Luncheon: Why and how should American companies promote human rights?

Michael Posner
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, U.S. Department of State

Marcela Manubens
Chair, GSCP

Elliot Schrage
Vice President of Communications and Public Policy, Facebook

Christine Bader
Senior Fellow, Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University

Eric Biel
Acting Associate Deputy
Undersecretary for International Affairs
Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor

Michael Garland
Assistant Comptroller for Environmental, Social and Governance at New York City Office of the Comptroller

1:15 PM

What are the human rights implications of new technologies in confronting threats to national security?

Richard Verma
Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Mona Sutphen
Managing Director, UBS AG

Richard Fontaine
President, Center for New American Security

Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap Jr., USAF (Ret.)
Former Deputy Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force

2:15 PM


Dr. Bassma Kodmani (Syria)
3:00 PM

Looking for Leadership: What do human rights activists want from the United States?

Video message from Ai Weiwei (China)

Cristina Hardaga
Tlachinollan Human Rights Center (Mexico)

Haris Azhar
Coordinator of KontraS (Indonesia)

Julius Kaggwa
Executive Director of SIPD (Uganda)

Oleg Kozlovsky
Democracy activist, political scientist (Russia)

Dr. Rula Al Saffar
Medic (Bahrain)

Lorne Craner
President, International Republican Institute

4:15 PM


Samantha Power
Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights

Beacon Prize Dinner honoring Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens (posthumous)

By invitation only
with remarks from Ambassador Robert Ford