DESTINATION Top 10 Blue Ridge Parkway Hotels

Going leaf-peeping along the Blue Ridge? Here are 10 hotels where you can lay your head at night. READ MORE

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All about Lake Tahoe
A Fall Weekend at Lake Tahoe A Fall Weekend at Lake Tahoe

Late summer and early fall is an underrated time to visit this beautiful area. The loud summer crowds are gone, the lake is calm and devoid of the summer winds and large boats, and the mountains are still free of snow and perfect for hiking and mountain biking. Up until the end of October, Lake Tahoe can have warm enough temperatures to do some late afternoon swimming and the nights are cool enough to snuggle up by the campfire. Here’s a possible... Read More

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All about Idaho
Fall Breaks Fall Breaks

For short weekend trips, fall is the ideal time. There’s less traffic, no snow, and plenty to see. Since most of Idaho is full of natural wonders, every season has its own beauty. Idaho has fall colors, just not the kind you’ll find in, say, New England. We don’t have that many maples, dogwoods, and aspen. Instead, we have pine trees, sagebrush that turns gorgeous shades of yellow, and grasses that turn varying shades of gold, red, and orange. And you will... Read More

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