Place an Obituary

Place An Obituary

Please use this form to submit an obituary notice for the News Tribune, the Puyallup Herald, or the Peninsula Gateway from the comfort of your computer. After you complete and submit this form, one of our representatives will contact you by phone to confirm information and text, and quote a rate for the obituary notice.

We recommend that you submit your information by noon to allow e-mail delivery, response, and composing time to meet the obituary deadlines. Staff is available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM. Closed Saturday and Sunday. cannot be responsible for lost or delayed e-mail.

All obituary notices in the News Tribune, the Puyallup Herald, and the Peninsula Gateway are paid notices. The cost of a notice depends entirely on the length of the notice.

Online Obituary Information

Obituary notices, including both text and photos, appear on and are archived indefinitely in's searchable database. Online guest books remain accessible for 30 days. Ask an obituary representative about guest book extensions to 1 year or permanent guest books.

Select Publications to Publish In: The News Tribune - Note: Publishes daily, deadline is 3:00pm Tuesday through Friday the day prior to publication. Deadline is 3:00pm Friday for Saturday through Monday publication.
Puyallup Herald - Note: Publishes only on Wednesdays, deadline is 4:00pm Friday
Peninsula Gateway - Note: Publishes only on Wednesdays, deadline is 12:00 noon Monday
Contact Information:

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Billing Information (only if different from Contact Information):

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Obituary Information:
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Funeral home information is required for publication.


Note: Funeral home information is for our records only and will not be added to the obituary notice unless requested.
Are you going to use a photo? Yes. E-mail photo to with the name of the deceased in the "Subject" line.

We recommend including the following information in the text: Deceased person's age or lifespan, survivors, detailed information on the visitation, service, or interment including dates, times and locations.

The News Tribune cannot be held responsible for omissions and errors (including incorrect dates) made by the parties submitting the notice. We will check the notice for mechanical and obvious spelling errors; we will not change spellings of proper names except at your instruction.

Please check all information for accuracy then print this form to retain for your reference. You will have opportunity to edit the text when a representative of The News Tribune calls to confirm information. To send this information, please click the "Submit" button below.