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Dave Brubeck (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Dave Brubeck

Pioneering jazz composer and pianist...

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Oscar Niemeyer (Associated Press)

Oscar Niemeyer

Architect who built the capital of Brasilia...

Vasily Belov (Associated Press Photo)

Vasily Belov

Russian writer...

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch (AP Photo/Bryan Charlton)

Elisabeth Murdoch

Mother of media mogul Rupert Murdoch...

Yves Niare (AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle)

Yves Niare

Held the French record in the shot put...

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Maria Regino

REGINO Maria Juanita G. Regino, born on January 27, 1932, joined her loving husband...

Santos Villalobos

VILLALOBOS Santos Cruz Villalobos, born November 1, 1922 in Monterrey, Mexico peacefully...
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