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    HSBC to Pay Record U.S. Penalty

    HSBC plans to acknowledge that for years it ignored possible money laundering, part of a record $1.9 billion settlement with U.S. authorities that caps the bank's disastrous foray into the U.S. market.

  • EU Picks Up Nobel Peace Prize

    The often fractious leaders of Europe took a break from constant questions about how to resolve their debt troubles Monday to celebrate their relative peace, as the European Union accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo.

  • [image]Associated Press

    A fire last month at this Bangladesh garment factory killed 112 people.

    Fire Warnings Went Unheard

    Four suppliers made Wal-Mart clothing at a Bangladesh factory after it failed fire-safety audits, exposing weaknesses in the system to inspect overseas facilities.

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  • [image]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Photos of the Day: Dec. 10

    In today's pictures, a man carries a mannequin in Belarus, the European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, rowers make their way along the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, and more.

  • [image]Ngo Dinh Truc

    All Bamboo, All the Time in Vietnam

    Located outside Ho Chi Minh City, this four-bedroom home is made completely out of bamboo, with plenty of sustainable features incorporated.

  • [image] Aston Chase

    Rock 'n' Roll House

    This five-bedroom Victorian house was converted by its current owner using one of London's best-known bar, club and restaurant designers, Shaun Clarkson.

  • [image]Reuters

    Pacquiao vs. Márquez

    Here's a look at the fourth fight between Mexican boxer Juan Manuel Márquez and Filipino fighter Manny Pacquiao at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

  • [image]

    View photos of four properties across Europe, then cast your vote for your favorite in our weekly interactive poll.

  • [image]European Pressphoto Agency

    India in Pictures

    A protest in Hyderabad, a fisherman near Bhubaneswar, security officials queue for voting slips in Gujarat, and more.

  • [image]Bumper Investments

    Contemporary Riviera Home

    This five-bedroom house overlooking the Gulf of St. Tropez was built about three years ago to a modern design intended to be in harmony with nature.

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