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Statement of U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert on Senate Health ‘Deal'

           Zachary Cikanek
(202) 225-3515

       Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) issued the following statement after the Senate voted to continue debate on a newly drafted Democrat health care package:
           “Senate negotiators seem to be more interested in handing out taxpayer-funded sweeteners than they are in actually reaching any bipartisan compromises.  Like its predecessor in the House, this government-takeover would still raise premiums, raise taxes, and undermine the quality of care.  Is this reform?
           “It slashes billions from Medicare for seniors and promises to drive away the higher-quality private insurance options that many families rely on today.  This latest trillion-dollar plan also includes massive tax hikes on individuals, small businesses, innovative medical products, and even the higher-quality health plans that many working families enjoy through an employer. 
           “The Senate package is a missed opportunity to advance common-sense reform.  It is simply another step toward massive government-controlled, taxpayer-funded health care that continues to place Washington bureaucrats between doctors and their patients.  And instead of securing sixty Senate votes on the merits of the policy, leaders secured votes through secret, back-room deals, steering millions in federal subsidies to states like Nebraska, Louisiana and Florida.  As a result, taxpayers in cash-strapped sates like Illinois will be left to pick the tab, while those represented by a few Senate hold-outs get a free pass from the some of the most financially irresponsible provisions of the bill.
           “Senate leaders may have the votes to pass this bill on party lines, but the American people will demand better.  I will oppose this plan when it come back to the House, and continue to take every step possible to press for better solutions that offer the American people what they really want, including reforms to lower costs, increase competition, improve portability for those between jobs, and expand coverage for pre-existing conditions -- without placing the government in charge of our health care.”
