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Fighting Childhood Obesity in DuPage: Biggert Secures Funds for County-Wide Physical Fitness Program

           Naperville, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-13th-IL) today visited Naperville Central High School to present the DuPage County Regional Office of Education with $143,000 for a county-wide physical fitness assessment project.  On hand to accept the check was Dr. Darlene J. Ruscitti, Regional Superintendent of Schools.
           “There is a disturbing absence of scientific data on the health and physical activity of Illinois children,” said Biggert, a senior member of the Education and Labor Committee. “This project will enable educators to better assess youth fitness and obesity, and it will help more children adopt healthy, active lifestyles.”
           The new fitness program is designed to help educators and area officials assess and monitor youth obesity, health related fitness, and physical activity with the goal of reducing long-term healthcare costs.  At the individual student level, participants will learn how to self assess health-related fitness and monitor physical activity levels as a precursor to changing physical activity behaviors.
           “They also will develop an online resource to help educators and administrators track the data that’s collected and share it with parents,” said Biggert.  “Together, we can develop better methods of promoting healthy habits and age-appropriate physical activity among kids.”
           At Biggert’s request, funding for the project was included in H.R.2764, which was signed into law on December 26th. 


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