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Biggert Statement on Passage of the House GOP Budget


            Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-13th-IL) today issued the following statement regarding her vote for the House GOP budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013, which cuts $5.3 trillion in spending over the next decade compared to the President’s budget:

            “This budget is about changing the way Washington spends our money, so the economy can grow again and programs like Medicare and Social Security don’t face massive cuts in as little as a decade.  The debt has outgrown our entire economy, and we cannot allow Washington to continue draining the economy of capital, confidence, and jobs.  Unlike any other proposal being offered, this plan simplifies the tax code, eliminates the AMT threat to middle class families, and gives American businesses the stability and certainty to create jobs again. 

            “No responsible budget can solve our problems overnight, but this blueprint offers realistic solutions to harness the power of competition, improve our health and retirement safety nets, and lower costs.  And, unlike the President’s health plan that cut Medicare by $500 billion, this budget preserves our safety nets without altering the carefully-laid retirement plans of current seniors and Americans ages 55 and above.

            “Election year or not, Congress must work together now to make the tough choices, cut spending, and grow our economy.  And I stand ready to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do just that.”


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