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Biggert Champions Homeless & Runaway Youth

             Downers Grove, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today joined with Chicago and suburban area advocacy and service organizations to draw attention to the pressing need for increased efforts to support and shelter runaway and homeless children and their families.  Gathered together at First United Methodist Church in Downers Grove, the group met with Biggert and held a press conference to discuss issues important to these vulnerable youth and celebrate three recent legislative victories.
             “In this tough economic environment, there are far too many children living on the street, in shelters, or couch surfing from home to home,” said Biggert, Co-Chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.  “The work these organizations are doing is critical to ensuring that homeless kids in our communities aren’t deprived of a chance at a future.  I’m thrilled to have been able to help advance their cause in Washington.”
             Participating in the event were Nancy Radner, CEO of the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness, Maureen Blaha, Executive Director of the National Runaway Switchboard, Carol Simler, Executive Director of the DuPage Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS), Susan Cowen, Executive Director of the Youth Network Council, as well as other local homeless advocates and shelter officials.  Together, they highlighted troubling trends among homeless and runaway youth.  In one report issued by First Focus, a bipartisan advocacy organization, it was estimated that 2 million children would be affected by foreclosure over the next two years, many at risk of homelessness.  Last year alone, DuPage PADS saw a 23% increase in the number of homeless children whose families came to them for aid.  And according to the National Runaway Switchboard, between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away in a year.
             “This isn’t just an urban issue,” said Biggert.  “Children across rural and suburban America are at-risk everyday of losing their homes and ending up in some very scary and dangerous circumstances.”
             The group also celebrated the recent passage of three measures championed by Biggert as a sponsor or chief cosponsor.  The first, signed into law on October 8th, was the Senate companion of H.R. 5524, the Reconnecting Homeless Youth Act, which increases and enhances the resources available to runaway and homeless youth shelters.  The second, which passed the House earlier this month and may be considered by the Senate in November, was H.R.7221, the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act.  It includes Biggert’s provisions to expand HUD’s definition of “homeless” so that children and families in involuntary and unstable living arrangements can access housing support services from which they are currently barred.  Finally, the House passed Biggert’s resolution to raise awareness of these issues by recognizing November as National Runaway Prevention Month. 
             “We are delighted to see Congress act decisively in support of those experiencing homelessness and suffering during hard economic times,” said Radner.  “Congresswoman Biggert reached across the aisle and across the state to help the nearly 25,000 homeless youth in Illinois find a home of their own.”

