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About Wind Powering America

Wind Powering America is a commitment to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States. Through its state Wind Working Groups, programs at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and partnerships, this initiative will establish new sources of income for American farmers, Native Americans, and other rural landowners and meet the growing demand for clean sources of electricity.

Wind has been the fastest growing source of electricity generation in the world through the 1990s. However, the majority of this growth has been in Europe, where conventional energy costs are higher than those in the United States. With large untapped wind energy resources throughout the country and declining wind energy costs, the United States is now moving forward into the 21st century with an aggressive initiative to accelerate the progress of wind technology and further reduce its costs, to create new jobs, and to improve environmental quality. Wind Powering America will expedite the movement of wind technology into the mainstream of the U.S. electric sector.

Through Wind Powering America, the United States will achieve targeted regional economic development, enhance our power generation options, protect the local environment, and increase our energy and national security.


Wind Powering America presents awards to public-owned utilities and cooperatives for their leadership in promoting wind energy development. Wind Powering America also presents awards for the first utility-scale wind projects in a state and to outstanding partners and advocates.


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